Thursday, November 20, 2014

Banner Thursday—Meddlesome Gods

Today, I'm featuring the banner for an Ellipses Press branded anthology, Meddlesome Gods. My upcoming release, Cupid's Curse, is part of this line.
For this piece, I want to convey a pantheon, but nothing too specific. And I wanted something of a neutral color since these stories can either be dark and mysterious or filled with humor and fun.

I hope I succeeded.

Take a look…

Tagline: When gods and mortals play together… the result is often unexpected.

Blurb: Welcome to a world where gods and goddesses of various pantheons mix and mingle with mere earthly mortals—often with unexpected results. Deities can't seem to help themselves and have to meddle with their human counterparts. Sometimes the godly being offers much needed assistance, but occasionally they lash out and cause harm.

But mostly, the amalgamation of deified power and human nature combines to be highly entertaining.

Thanks for reading!

Please visit my website

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