Monday, January 21, 2013

Sunday Snippet: Lost in Translation (Crystal Shard Brotherhood 1)

Week three and still on target. Is it too soon to count this as a trend? LOL

This week's Sunday Snippet is from a WIP that's been sitting on the sidelines for a little while. I'm hoping by making a sneak peek it'll jump start the sages and they'll let me finish it. :D

The concept with this one is twelve manuscripts with an overarching story to unfold in each book. Based on a twelve month calendar, it takes place on the planet Kendark. I'm going for a futuristic vibe, but the characters should have a feel of being descendants from Earth. The Crystal Shard Brotherhood has twelve brethren who maintain the planetary balance by renewing the shard hidden deep in the fortress. The first book is titled Lost in Translation.

Here's the tag line:

A body dumped outside a fortress. A scroll located in twelve different locations. A trap sprung. But the Brethren are too smart to take the bait. Jackson Alexander and Jacey Durham have to turn the tables on the nemesis trying to dismantle the Crystal Shard Brotherhood.

And the preview snippet…

It couldn't be a fake out.
Jacks dismissed the idea almost as soon as he'd had it.
No one could be so stupid. Yes, the Fortress monitored the perimeter 24/7, but it didn't take long for a body to freeze up here. Pure chance he'd caught sight of it when he did, even with the sensor alarms going full blare.
No, she'd either injured herself and had crawled onto the grounds, or she'd been dumped there and left stranded.
The former would be preferable. The latter meant she or someone she worked for wanted to draw attention. To the Fortress or themselves. Neither a good option.
Jacks made his way to the front antechamber and opened the huge wardrobe. He donned a protective head/face cover and snugged it up, leaving his mouth free for now. He added frost-proof goggleshades, a Brethren exclusive. They cut the glare of the sun that could be blinding during the day and provided night vision at night. Next he tucked his large hands into the thin, friction-activated gloves that would keep his fingers and palms nice and toasty. Finally he bundled into the heavy parka and pulled the hood up over his head.
He already had the fur lined overalls favored by the Brethren on along with his heavy thermal boots. The lug soles would be okay on the snow but Jacks popped his feet onto the snow shoeskis just in case.
The med kit contained a thermal wrap, but he grabbed an extra one on his way to the entrance. The blue tinge to the woman's lips had him concerned. More so than her presence did.
The Wise One wouldn't like that.
Did the guy like anything? Not lately.
Bracing himself for the first blast of cold, Jacks activated the release and waited for the massive door to slowly edge open. Impatient, he gave it a shove, knowing it wouldn't really help it move any faster.
Greeted by a frenzied flurry of snowflakes caught him by surprise.
Storms, even blizzards, cropped up fast sometimes. It showed how distracted he was that he didn't check before opening the door. Getting to the woman would be much harder in white out conditions. And he felt he needed to get to her fast.
She wouldn't survive long if he didn't.
She could already be dead.
Unsure why the thought bothered him, he shoved it aside.
Hefting the med-kit onto his back, he adjusted his goggleshades and keyed in the coordinates of the female's location. Confident the guidance system would keep him on the right path, he trudged out from under the protection of the Fortress and let the first blast of swirling snow hit him full force before hunkering down against the wind.
One step at a time…as quickly as possible.

Jacks will definitely have his hands full when he gets Jacey back to the Fortress. She's in a very bad spot and has no idea who to trust.

And that's it for this week's post. Stay tuned for more.



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