Sunday, September 25, 2022

Sunday Snippet: Rack and Ruin

I'm not quite sure where the month of September went but it's almost over. The weather in Ohio is currently fall-like. Not sure how long that will last. I could actually get behind having it stick around for a while.

Pretty decent week of viewing. I'm back on my usual schedule for the most part. I'll be starting a new show on one of my streamers, but I'm not sure if I'll stick with it or give up that slot for now.

Watched another episode of Ted Lasso. Gotta say, I definitely see the appeal and how so many people have utter undying love for the show. I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

Caught another episode of the Agatha Christie Hour. I loved the twists and turns in this one. Good intrigue without being a full-blown mystery.

Enjoyed the first part of Silent Witness. There's a good mysterious vibe in this two-parter and I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out this week.

Started season twenty-six of Classic Who and loved seeing the colonel back again. I'm looking forward to the next episode.

Watched another Strangest Things episode and learned about desert glass. Well worth the view for that alone.

Caught an episode of The Book of Boba Fett. Geez, a lot happened and I'm still trying to process everything. Definitely need to catch up on season two of The Mandalorian to fill in the missing blanks. Looking forward to doing that.

Only Murders in the Building is such a terrific show. The pacing is excellent and the reveals are pretty much perfect. Hat tip to all involved in the writing and acting.

Enjoyed another episode of Blue Heelers and it actually ended up breaking my heart a little. One of the scenes hit a little too close for comfort involving a pet that had to be put to sleep.

Caught another MasterClass lesson with Roxane Gay. She discussed finding an agent and what to pay attention to when dealing with contracts.

Watched another Umbrella Academy episode. I'm definitely getting hooked on this one. I love the characters and how they interact with each other and outsiders. Klaus is a wicked-fun gem. Also nice to see Luther before his transformation. Felt horrible for Diego and my heart really goes out to Vanya. Loved the scene with Allison, though. Great stuff.

Enjoyed two more episodes of Classic Rugrats. Two of my favorites were in this bunch. Anytime Angelica is foiled by Susie is worth the watch.

Also caught another episode of Batman: The Animated Series. This ended up being a good one. I like the episodes when there isn't a major villain from the rogue gallery for Batman to deal with.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Rack and Ruin, a novella where the characters know a secret about each other and how they come to an understanding about keeping them.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Vespa Thorn, a maintenance adept for the Mage Ministry of Defense, is an addictive gambler—whenever, wherever, she'll go all in. Hale Walterson, a special forces soldier has a problem with sex—he can't get enough of it. Vespa wants Hale, but he's the one thing she won't bet on … until he challenges her to keep up with him.

And a preview snippet…

Hale bent over his stun-winder cleaning the parts, as recommended. Okay, more like threatened. He could hear Vespa's voice in his head, giving him hell for not taking care of her equipment.

His lips quirked. "She'll kick my ass if I bring the gun back to her in crappy shape." Temptation itched to make him do it—just to get a reaction.

Instead, he dabbed more oil on the charging station.

Footsteps paused beside him. "Hale … do my eyes deceive me or are you being a very good boy and cleaning your weapon?" The low purr of Vespa's voice surrounded him.

Wouldn't it be his luck? She came to him instead of the other way around.

Hale shot her a glance. "If you're going to chew my ass, I'd rather it not be over work." Heh, let her dissect that statement.

Her eyes widened. "Exactly what should I chew your ass over?" She waited a beat. "Or where should I chew it?" A thread of humor laced her words.

Hale glanced up. "Off the top of my head I can think of several things, but a bed comes to mind first." With vivid clarity.

Vespa let out a low whistle. "Well, now, that's an interesting proposition." She angled closer and lowered her voice. "Did the two honeyed-up ladies you shared a suite with leave any marks on your ass the other night?" Her finger trailed along the edge of the table.

He dropped the trigger mechanism and nodded for her to take a seat across from him. "How do you know about that?" His discussed ass could get sanctioned if anyone else discovered his arrangement with Tina and Nina.

Vespa reddened and glanced away. "By accident." Squaring her shoulders, she faced him again.

He responded with a quirked eyebrow. He couldn't wait to hear her explanation. How did she accidentally discover his standing appointment with the twins?

She sighed, her shoulders drooping. "Okay, my curiosity got the best of me." She met his gaze. "I followed you." She had the grace to flush a tender shade of pink.

Adding a pretty shade to her cheeks didn't score many points. But, even pissed off, he had to admire she owned following him? That took some stones.

Leaning forward, he pinned her down with a look. "Why the fuck would you do that?" She'd tailed him to the seventh floor, which didn't make any sense.

Vespa shrugged. "I have no idea. You were in civilian clothes." Her tone indicated chagrin.

For good reason. What the hell?

Hale frowned. "When did that become a good motivation to invade someone's privacy?" Okay, he pushed boundaries that didn't exist with that one.

Vespa snorted. "In a hotel lobby? Are you kidding?" She added a dramatic eye roll for effect.

Hale lifted a shoulder. "Doesn't explain how civilian clothes made you follow me." What did one have to do with the other?

Vespa waved a hand. "Look, I've never seen you dressed up—you've always been m-mod gear. Is that a valid reason to tail you? Probably not. And I didn't do it to be nosy or to bust your chops."

Hale tsked. "Then why mention it?" Seriously?

Vespa leaned in a little closer and pitched her voice low again. "Because you weren't exactly discreet. There are security cameras everywhere and you didn't even try to dodge them." The words hissed out between her lips.

Did she consider him stupid? He worked security. He knew the exact location of every camera in the Willow.

Hale frowned. "I always do an invisibility spell."

She gave him a pointed look. If he'd been invisible, she wouldn't have been able to follow him.

His head dropped back. "Shit. You're right. I didn't use one that night." Careless of him, for sure.

Vespa's posture relaxed. "I'm not trying to police your extracurriculars, but being careful might not hurt." She folded her arms on the table.

She had a valid point … but part of the reason he'd forgotten the spell lay at her feet. "While we're bringing up potential problems, you're not exactly Miss Perfection."

She frowned. "You're turning the tables on me?" She pushed away from the table, scooting the chair out.

Hale shook his head. "No. Okay, yes." He reached out to stop her from leaving. "But your concern is valid so I'm sharing mine with you."

Vespa crossed her arms over her chest. "Okay, what did I do?"

Hale nodded to her work suit. "Do you always gamble in your work clothes?"

He scored a point there. Her eyes went wide and her shoulders slumped.

I love how this story is coming together. Vespa and Hale have some vices and they're going to find a way to make sure no one discovers them.


That's it for this week.



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