Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Hot As Hades

August is being very mercurial. Instead of sweltering hot temps, which we did have last week, we've got—I'm not kidding—almost fall-like weather. I had to put a jacket on last night to take the dogs out. Granted, it was still sixty degrees, but we had a strong breeze blowing and it was chilly. Please note, I'm not complaining. But … does this mean Ohio will have blazing hot temperatures in October? Probably.

Super-busy work week again. Finished up the mystery manuscript copy edit. Started a proofread of a memoir on a prominent thoroughbred racing family. I still have two other memoirs in the wings, one of which should start this week. I also have a romance to copy edit. I love being busy!

But … that means I didn't have a lot of time for viewing television. I did, however, find out one of my favorite actors has a new movie coming out in September and might have watched the trailer two or three (okay, more like twelve) times. I'm excited because this movie will totally be my shit and I now have something to look forward to in a month or so.

I finished up the My Life Is Murder episode I started last week. Again, a fun episode where Madison got to shine. I love this cast so much.

I also started the new series of Signora Volpe. This is another series I thoroughly enjoy. Emilia Fox is iconic for her role in Silent Witness and it's so lovely to see her doing something new and fresh and very unlike Nikki.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Hot As Hades, a novella that features the god of the underworld in a role he's not comfortable with at first.

Here's the miniblurb:

Roxie St. Clair, an up-and-coming artist, wants to live and work on her own terms. But when the god of the underworld informs her of the underhanded tactics of her former employer, she decides to turn the tables and fight back with a little help from Aleks Callas.

And a preview snippet…

Hades raked a hand through his hair. His feet carried him from one end of his private chamber to the other. Hera help anyone who attempted to speak to him right now. He didn't like strife between his mate and himself.
Persephone would stay away if he didn't try to make amends. She only had a few days left before she'd head back to the land of the living. And she always took a piece of him, the best part, with her.
Hades scowled. Didn't she realize he always became an ass when the time approached for her to leave him?
After several lifetimes together, she should anticipate his moody sullenness.
Striding through the underworld, no one disturbed him. As master, he would let it be known if he wanted something. But he'd be damned if he'd ask anyone where his mate had gone.
He finally found her in a little sanctuary she'd created in a far corner of his realm. It reeked of mortality, and he didn't like it. In fact, he almost summoned her to him so he could avoid entering her domain.
Instead, he strode boldly inside and bellowed for her. "Seph! Come, I wish to speak with you."
Persephone poked her head around a canvas, propped up on an easel. "Go ahead and talk. I'm busy." She dipped a brush in some blood red paint and made heavy, slashing strokes across the picture.
Hades wandered over but didn't deign to look at her work. "Shall I assume you're painting me in a puddle of blood?"
She snorted. "You may assume whatever you want." A few more hefty strokes and Seph tossed the brush aside. "You always do." With that she rose and walked away with exaggerated dignity.
Hades sighed. "Seph, you will return at once so we can settle this." He dropped down on her impossibly small settee and waited.
Even in a huff, she couldn't deny him for long.

This story is so much fun. I love having gods interacting with mortals.


That's it for this week.



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