Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sunday Snippet: Variations on Violence

Once again, Bitten turned in a great episode. I'm loving the subtle shift to more dark and scary this season. Arrow and The Flash both had great episodes, too. I'm really looking forward to watching Oliver and Thea train together. I'm also thrilled Laurel finally told Lance about Sara. That particular storyline dragged on a lot longer than it should have.

A few new teasers have been airing for Orphan Black and my interest is growing by the day. Here's hoping be get some backstory for Paul. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of him this season.

Tonight's post is from Variations on Violence, a novella in the First Breed Nation universe.

Here's the tagline:

Nichol Gothe and Brewster Walters, two detectives in the major crimes unit, go undercover to bust up rebel alliance in the under city. But when Nichol has to use her meta-human ability, Brewster can't decide whether to trust she's working for justice or turn her in to the task force commander. Nichol sends him reeling when she reveals how deeply the secret society of freaks and geeks has infiltrated the regular human world.

And a preview snippet…

"Gothe, I need you to stick around a minute." Captain Daniels shut the door behind Brewster.
Nichol crossed her arms over her chest. "I hope it's to explain what the hell you're thinking by assigning me to work with Walters." Her blood pressure shot up. "He's got no clue what we're really up against."
Daniels sighed. "Look, Nic, I wouldn't do this to you if I didn't have orders from above, er, I mean below." He loosened his tie and ran a hand through his already mussed hair. "Raven specifically requested you and she's waiting at the coffee shop across the street for additional briefing."
Her curiosity piqued, Nichol relaxed a little. "Is there anything you can tell me? I don't want to go in completely cold when I meet her." A personal meet up with Raven meant something big.
Possibly huge.
Daniels shot her a sideways glance. "Walters. And that's all I'm going to say." His head jerked toward the door. "Get moving. Raven will fill you in."
Nichol exhaled slowly, willing her mind to stay calm. "Yeah, okay. Going to meet the HBIC." She started forward but paused. "She really asked for me?" Daniels opened his mouth, but Nichol held up a hand. "Never mind. You said she did, so she did. I'm done asking stupid questions." She twisted the knob and pulled the door open. "Thanks, Captain." She exited the office and made a beeline for the stairs.
Get a grip, Nic. Raven gets up and puts a bra on every day, just like you.
Or did she? Nichol had no idea how Raven's days unfolded. The one and only time Nichol had met the woman she'd been on the trail of a freak who preyed on normals. Raven tracked the guy down and, as far as Nichol knew, had him locked away underground.
Leaving the station house, Nichol dashed across the street and entered the coffee shop, glancing around and spotting Raven in a corner booth. Taking another deep breath, Nichol headed over, dying to find out why she'd been chosen.
I have no idea exactly where this one is going, but I'm fun finding out.

That's it for this week.



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