Sunday, May 26, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Numb

Where on earth did the month of May go? I realize I noted it was almost over last week, but, honestly, I feel like I blinked and the week flew by.

Another so-so week of television viewing. I had a lot on my calendar and needed to do some serious focusing while working. I did get some quality viewing in.

I started and finished the third episode of Blue Heelers. I like it. The cast is pretty stellar and the storylines are fun for me.

Caught Arrow's emerald archer episode and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm going to miss this show so much when it's over next season. I'm really hoping some of the cast stays available to do the crossover episodes in the Arrowverse.

Watched another episode of The Murders. This show… I'm very into it. It's not really a shipping kind of show but I'd be totally down with Nolan and Kate hooking up. It would add an interesting layer to their partnership.

Watched what I think is the penultimate episode of Painkiller Jane. One episode left then it's on to a new show on The Roku Channel.

Caught another episode of Durham County. Man, this show is dark. Which I like, don't get me wrong. I spend most of the episode wanting something terrible to happen to Ray Prager. The guy is just… creepy. I'm really hoping to find out why he hates his own kid so much.

Watched another episode of Midsomer Murders. The first episode of series fifteen ended up being terrific. James Callis played twins, one an arrogant jerk and one a rather affable guy… until the murderer is revealed. Great episode.

Caught two more episodes of Peter Gunn. I'd seen both already but they were pretty good so I didn't mind watching again at all.

Watched two more episodes of Doctor Who and finished out The Ark storyline. Looking forward to starting a new group of shows.

Into the Dark's third episode was… pretty good. There are times when the awkward mess Murphy makes of her life is hard to watch but I think that's part of the reason I like the show so much. She's so prickly and obnoxious but she's also got a softer side that she has no idea what to do with.

Started episode two of my Banshee rewatch and I'll have more to discuss next week.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Numb, a novella that started with a writing community prompt of setting the mood, the characters aren't happy or sad, they just don't feel much anymore.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Cyan Fitch and Theron Dibney have a great relationship—hot sex, rock solid friendship, and mutual respect. When a mostly lethal virus tears through their community, the couple works side by side to help as many as possible, but it takes a toll. They can't quite get comfortably numb while they face the devastating losses and neither is willing to bend for fear they'll break.

And a preview snippet…

Cyan entered the small cottage she shared with her mother. A wave of grief hit hard, but Cyan pushed it back. She didn't have time to mourn.
Theron shut the door behind him and reached forward, grasping her shoulders. "We can go to my place… if it's too hard here." His hands ghosted down her arms.
She turned and shook her head. "No, I'm okay. I really want you and me… here… together." Ciara's presence rarely graced the small house when she'd been alive—except for when the woman needed sleep—and Cyan didn't want to spend her first night alone.
The specter of her mom would haunt the lab chambers—the one true place the woman called home.
Theron wrapped his arms around Cyan. "Then here's where we'll stay." He held her close, using his palm in soothing circles along her back.
Cyan could stand like this all night, soaking in Theron's strength. Yet… she also needed the recharge only he could give her with his body and full night of sexual healing. Easing back, she gazed up into dark eyes. Exhaustion lurked in the inky depths but hunger and anticipation swirled also.
She cupped the back of his head and dragged his mouth to hers. "No clothes for at least the next twelve hours." Her lips clashed with his and her fingers shoved his jacket off his shoulders.
Theron smiled against her cheek. "I like the sound of that." He undid the belt of her shirt and slid the garment off her.
She let it land at her feet and worked the buttons of his shirt loose. Neither had dressed formally for her mother's burial. Who the hell had time anymore? A button down and a pair of khaki cargo pants fit the bill for Theron. Cyan wore black dungarees and a knit wrap shirt. Her only concession to formality? A pair of low-heeled boots in soft leather, which she toed off while Theron kicked his to the side.
He shrugged out of his shirt and untied the bow at her side before reaching out to gather her close for another lip-lock. Somehow, they made it to her room, free of clothing, and landed on her bed. A glance outside the doorway showed the trail of clothes leading from the middle of the living area to their current location.
Theron's mouth works spellbinding magic. She had no recollection of stripping off while he kept her busy with deep, drugging kisses.
Cyan turned toward Theron and palmed his erection. "Is it stupid to say I can't wait to go slow and take our time?" An oxymoron to be sure.
Theron's mouth closed over the tip of her breast. "Not at all. We've earned this and I'm going to relearn every single bit of you… one inch at a time." He switched sides and flicked his tongue over the other nipple.
Cyan shuddered, relishing the slow burn of desire thrumming in her veins.

I'm hoping to create something of a theme where the physical aspect and the ability to feel on that level is what keep Cyan and Theron going. The emotional shut down and the numbing of their senses also makes it possible for them to do the work they need to and I want to show the contrast between the two.

That's it for this week.



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