Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Hush

Another crazy week with record low temperatures for August. I'm talking wear a jacket because it dipped into the low forties at night. This week we're supposed to be back up in the mid to high nineties. Weather is wild.


Seriously jammed with work projects right now and I love being busy. I'm at the point where I'd love to have another four hours added to each day, so I don't feel like there aren't enough hours in the day. Also had to figure out a few things for my daughter's grad school, like how to drop a class and add a new one before the semester starts, which is Monday. As mentioned last week, she was in Ontario Canada for a theater festival and didn't have a lot of downtime. The good news is, she's set to go. Yay!


I didn't have a lot of viewing time this week. The verdict on my car is still out and that's been hovering in the back of my mind and distracting me. My work projects also need my full attention.


I did get to watch an episode of Elementary and ended up enjoying it. I skipped the one that I struggled to get through. I'd rather have forward momentum than get stuck and drop the show.


And that's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Hush, a novella where a hex makes it impossible for a couple to speak without wanting to inflict harm on each other.


Here's the miniblurb:


Kia Bleu and Chip Strachey have a powerful connection and finally give in to their attraction. When Chip's former flame hexes the couple, they have to learn to communicate without words.


And a preview snippet…

Kia reviewed Chip's written scrawl and paced the floor in her apartment. Chip's plan bordered on genius. They would be using Sadie's hex in the upper room sports arena at The Cave. If Mario agreed—and he would—he'd put the word out she and Chip had entered into a blood match, their sudden intense and rabid dislike of each other spurring them to invoke a battle of wills and first blood won the pot.
Kia's lips curved. "Sadie won't be able to resist coming, even though she loathes The Cave." And she would suffer for the effort.
Kia and Chip would build up a good dose of rage then create a feedback loop with an incantation that sent the hex back to its maker, strengthening the bond and increasing the outcome.
Kia rocked back on her heels. "And it'll be a bitch when it hits." A karma spell intensified by not having a specific object or person to bind the hex with.
Any man Sadie decided she wanted would automatically despise her and seek to get away from her presence as quickly as possible.
Kia snorted. "Karma sucks, babe." But it would be a fitting result for her treachery.
Sadie would suffer the consequences of her brazen disregard for the ban on using magick against fellow students. Kia and Chip would sidestep any repercussions. They'd done their due diligence. The law of the mage allowed the injured party or parties to seek retribution. And the focus of their spell would go directly to the source, offering the burden of proof.
Kia's phone pinged. "Mario put the word out. Tonight at seven." She smiled.
The past week had brought them closer than ever. Learning to communicate—and have sex—without words somehow gave her a deeper understanding of Chip. She'd bet Sadie didn't factor that little side effect into the grand scheme of things when she'd placed her hex. Kia could almost feel sorry for the sultry beauty—if Kia hadn't been on the receiving end of the spell.
Then again, she could see how Chip's reputation as a great guy and general attractiveness might inspire a desperate measure. No, actually, Kia didn't really get it. Sadie should think better of herself. Maybe Kia would get a chance to share that idea once the big blood match did its work.
If nothing else, she wanted Sadie to realize mages should work to build each other up instead of trying to trash their lives.

I'm having a lot of fun with this story. Kia and Chip are an amazing couple to write.


That's it for this week.



Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Hot Target

Whew! What a week. It's been something of a wild ride. My daughter starts graduate school in Athens the week of August 25, and we're still trying to figure out her financial aid. She's headed to Ontario Canada this week for a theater festival, which is what she'll be getting her master's degree in. My work inbox is overflowing! I'm so grateful for all the new projects but also a little daunted by how much I have stacked up and waiting for me to get to. My car also has an issue that we're hoping is not the computer. I'll know more on Monday. Ugh!

I didn't get much done on the viewing front. Too many things needed my focus elsewhere. Between the phone calls for school and car problems, my brain turned to mush. Bleh.

I did get an episode of Best in Paradise in. I enjoyed it again. It's fun to have the introductions from the cast members.

I also got to watch the closing episode of Death in Paradise season eight. A very interesting and twisty episode with a really cool gesture at the end from the commissioner.

And I also finished up the main draft of a holiday manuscript I've been working on for, geez, almost a year. The sages finally cooperated and threw a bunch of ideas out. I'm so happy about that.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Hot Target, a novella that puts a couple in the line of fire.

Here's the miniblurb:

Yates and Baylor work undercover for the mage council. They make a great team, but rarely see eye to eye. When their magical brethren start dropping like flies, one of them must become a hot target. Yates decides he'll do it … Baylor's a better shot.

And a preview snippet…

Yates expected the face-first shove against the wall when they got to their place. Baylor needed to work off some aggression and he didn't mind rough sex. Her hands were all over him. She pulled his jacket down and spun him around then ripped his shirt open.
She sucked on his skin, leaving marks, branding him as hers. His head fell back, and he gave her full rein. Welcomed the harsh breath and the sting of her teeth against his flesh. He didn't help when she struggled to get his jeans down past his hips. His hands weren't free to assist anyway.
Hissed air escaped between his teeth when her hot mouth surrounded his dick, and she engulfed his shaft until she gagged. Easing back, her tongue swirled and flicked over the tip and down the length. She got up, yanked her shirt off, unclasped her bra, and shrugged it off, letting her breasts hang free. She pushed him down a little and leaned in. He latched on to a pebbled tip, and her guttural moan sent more blood flowing to his cock.
She worked her pants down and off then nudged him down to a crouch on the floor. With his arms behind him, she had to do all the maneuvering. He braced his shoulders and lifted his hips, offering his shaft to use however she wanted.
Climbing over his thighs, she used one hand to stroke over her folds. Wet and ready, she brought her fingers to his mouth, and he sucked them clean. Sliding over his erection, she furiously rocked her hips, the heated silk of her essence surrounding every inch.
Her mouth covered his and her tongue delved between his teeth. The relentless embrace lasted until she needed air. He dragged gulps of air into his lungs and readied for more.
Her lips grazed along his jawline to his ear. "Make me come, Yates." She nipped at his lobe, a hot breath fanning along his skin.
He thrust upward, nudging her back to trail open-mouthed kisses over her shoulder and down to her breast. He sucked the skin beside her nipple, marking her, before his lips drew the taut peak inside his mouth. He worried his teeth over the nub, biting gently.
Baylor groaned low in her throat. "Yeah, Yates. That's it." Her hands held his head and directed it back and forth between her breasts. She bucked hard against him, a shudder tearing through her. "Gah, yes. Come with me, Yates." She arched her back, reaching down to fondle his balls.
He tensed and came hard, gasping her name. Baylor hauled him close and helped him get his jacket off. His fingers were numb, but the rest of his body thrummed with life.
Her hands cupped his face. "Thank you. I needed that." She brushed her lips over his.
Yates rested his forehead on hers. "Anytime." Any place. Any way.
Without speaking, she untangled their limbs then offered him a hand up. She led the way to the shower and pulled him in with her. Yates wrapped his arms around her, letting the water cascade over their bodies. Spent and sated, she'd finally be ready to buckle down and talk facts.

This one is coming together in the best way. I'm very excited to see it completed!


That's it for this week.



Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Hot As Hades

August is being very mercurial. Instead of sweltering hot temps, which we did have last week, we've got—I'm not kidding—almost fall-like weather. I had to put a jacket on last night to take the dogs out. Granted, it was still sixty degrees, but we had a strong breeze blowing and it was chilly. Please note, I'm not complaining. But … does this mean Ohio will have blazing hot temperatures in October? Probably.

Super-busy work week again. Finished up the mystery manuscript copy edit. Started a proofread of a memoir on a prominent thoroughbred racing family. I still have two other memoirs in the wings, one of which should start this week. I also have a romance to copy edit. I love being busy!

But … that means I didn't have a lot of time for viewing television. I did, however, find out one of my favorite actors has a new movie coming out in September and might have watched the trailer two or three (okay, more like twelve) times. I'm excited because this movie will totally be my shit and I now have something to look forward to in a month or so.

I finished up the My Life Is Murder episode I started last week. Again, a fun episode where Madison got to shine. I love this cast so much.

I also started the new series of Signora Volpe. This is another series I thoroughly enjoy. Emilia Fox is iconic for her role in Silent Witness and it's so lovely to see her doing something new and fresh and very unlike Nikki.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Hot As Hades, a novella that features the god of the underworld in a role he's not comfortable with at first.

Here's the miniblurb:

Roxie St. Clair, an up-and-coming artist, wants to live and work on her own terms. But when the god of the underworld informs her of the underhanded tactics of her former employer, she decides to turn the tables and fight back with a little help from Aleks Callas.

And a preview snippet…

Hades raked a hand through his hair. His feet carried him from one end of his private chamber to the other. Hera help anyone who attempted to speak to him right now. He didn't like strife between his mate and himself.
Persephone would stay away if he didn't try to make amends. She only had a few days left before she'd head back to the land of the living. And she always took a piece of him, the best part, with her.
Hades scowled. Didn't she realize he always became an ass when the time approached for her to leave him?
After several lifetimes together, she should anticipate his moody sullenness.
Striding through the underworld, no one disturbed him. As master, he would let it be known if he wanted something. But he'd be damned if he'd ask anyone where his mate had gone.
He finally found her in a little sanctuary she'd created in a far corner of his realm. It reeked of mortality, and he didn't like it. In fact, he almost summoned her to him so he could avoid entering her domain.
Instead, he strode boldly inside and bellowed for her. "Seph! Come, I wish to speak with you."
Persephone poked her head around a canvas, propped up on an easel. "Go ahead and talk. I'm busy." She dipped a brush in some blood red paint and made heavy, slashing strokes across the picture.
Hades wandered over but didn't deign to look at her work. "Shall I assume you're painting me in a puddle of blood?"
She snorted. "You may assume whatever you want." A few more hefty strokes and Seph tossed the brush aside. "You always do." With that she rose and walked away with exaggerated dignity.
Hades sighed. "Seph, you will return at once so we can settle this." He dropped down on her impossibly small settee and waited.
Even in a huff, she couldn't deny him for long.

This story is so much fun. I love having gods interacting with mortals.


That's it for this week.



Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Hold to Let Go

Man, July felt like a decade but it actually kind of flew by. August is off to a running start and it's hot temperature-wise, which is the norm for rural central Ohio. We've had some big storms move through, too.


My inbox is jammed with work projects and that makes me happy! I'm working on a mystery for a copy edit. I have a developmental edit on a memoir. There's a possible copy edit of another memoir in the wings and some research for another author. I also sent the next set of chapters on a developmental edit to the author for review. I love being busy.

I didn't get a lot watched this week. I started an episode of My Life Is Murder but have to finish it. I also haven't been able to get back to the episode of Elementary I started two weeks ago. I don't know … I'm not as into this episode and I'm struggling to finish it. Maybe I should skip to the next one.

I did have a fairly good week of writing, which also limits my screentime. I got a big scene written for one of my WIPs and a few smaller ones for a couple of other works in progress. All in all a good week!

That's it for the life update. Tonight's post is from Hold to Let Go, a sexy short that explores a couple's bond and the hold they have on each other.

Here's the miniblurb:

Banner Nix and Quade Newelson go way back and have a lot of baggage to show for it. When an opportunity to save their people presents itself, they put their crap aside and work together to make it happen, even though their plan is in direct opposition to their leaders'.

And a preview snippet…

A sharp knock sounded outside the open hatch.
Banner didn't look up. "If you're not bringing coffee, go away." She tracked the most recent five jumps, not liking the lack of anything new.
But … intuition said they were still going in the right direction. The constant noise in her mind lurked in the background instead of screaming in the middle of her skull. That had to count, right? If she made a wrong move, she'd be curled up in a fetal position unable to function because the static interference made it impossible. And her crew would be duking it out over who got to take the helm first.
Stan Harmon entered quarters and put a fresh carafe of Banner's life-sustaining liquid on the desk—well away from the star chart. Smart move. The last person made the critical error of placing the brew dead center of her workspace. Banner nearly drew blood with the blistering lecture she gave him.
"Thanks." Banner didn't say more.
She concentrated on drawing a straight, solid line over the dashed trajectory they'd taken. She completed the action and dropped the pencil then poured a hot cup of coffee into the dregs of her mug. Bringing the cup to her lips, she drained half the contents while contemplating the next series of jumps.
The scrolls had to be close. They didn't have many options left.
Stan shuffled his feet. "Banner? You got a minute?"
His voice grated, breaking her barely held together concentration. The solid eight had done wonders … but that had been well over twenty-four hours ago.
She glanced up, scowling. "Did you draw the short straw or what?"
He grimaced. "No. I volunteered."
Stupid man. "Are you a glutton for punishment or just an idiot?" Okay, ouch. She drove that one home a little harder than necessary. But Stan needed to realize he didn't have any brilliant insight into her mindset just because they'd slept together a very long time ago.
He let out a low whistle. "You know, if I didn't get how you had the bitch thing ingrained, I'd swear you worked hard to pull it off." He added a zing. "No one should have that much natural talent."
Touche. She completely deserved the insult. "What do you want, Stan?" She sipped the coffee and studied him. "I can't tell you anything to take back to the crew because I don't know any more now than I did twenty-four hours ago." She placed her mug on the file cabinet and poured another round. "And I'm not going to waste my time playing nursemaid." She pinned Stan with her gaze. "Everyone needs to follow my orders. As in grow a pair and deal. I don't care who it pisses off." Braced by the caffeine and bored with the conversation, Banner went back to studying the grid pattern. I have to be missing something.
Stan sighed and ambled toward the hatch. "Okay, then. I'll take my leave."
God, she hated the wounded puppy act he liked to pull. "Yeah. That would be great." When he hit the doorway, she added. "And Stan? Be a good soldier and share my exact words with the others, yeah?"
Stan's shoulders tensed, but he rolled them and continued out into the corridor. Banner gave him a ton of credit for not telling her to fuck off.

I love where this story is going. The blend of sci-fi and mysticism is something I love to write.


That's it for this week.

