Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Snippet: In Enemy Territory (a Black Raven Banner novella)

Once again, Ohio weather is all over the place. But at least it hasn't been sweltering hot. Had setbacks with our cars. Mine is still not quite ready. The new engine computer the garage ordered didn't work so they got another one. Hopefully this week. My husband had a deer literally jump on top of his CR-V, shattering the windshield, knocking the rearview mirror off, and sending the driver's side mirror clear over to the passenger side floor. It even dented the top of the car up to the sunroof. I'm pretty sure it's a total loss. Luckily my husband is okay, aside from having a ton of glass all over him. He found glass all the way in the back of the vehicle.

Really busy work week. I finished up a copy edit and continued work on a developmental edit. Also started a new project that's not quite a developmental edit, but it is cleaning up a lot of formatting in a manuscript to get it ready for a copy edit, which a colleague is going to do. Had an exchange with a new author and hope to work with her in the future.

Semi-decent week of viewing. I didn't quite make a full round, mainly because I spent a lot of time on the phone trying to get the insurance sorted and line up a rental until we know for sure what's going on with the CR-V.

I did get an episode of My Life Is Murder in and thoroughly enjoyed it. Lots of twists and turns in this one. Once again, Madison stole the show. Also really cool to have indigenous representation for the storyline. And … more hints about Alexa's family. Here's hoping we'll see more of them.

I think I watched the finale of Signora Volpe, and it might have set up a future episode featuring Sylvia's ex. That would be a lot of fun. So awesome to see her niece again and getting to know her dad. Isabelle ended up stealing this episode. Going to watch the behind-the-scenes stuff next.

Finished up Best in Paradise with the first of the two-parter that set up Florance's exit. It was a great episode and very bittersweet as the actress mentioned when she introduced the episode.

Also caught another Death in Paradise and enjoyed the mystery. It's also fun to see Jack trying to move on from the loss of his wife. The awkward but awesome communication with Anna is lovely to watch.

Started an episode of Elementary but need to finish it this week. Too many distractions to get all the way through the show. It looks like a good one though.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from In Enemy Territory, a Black Raven Banner book.

Here's the miniblurb:

Verity Jones and Emory Cavendish welcome a new CO under the Black Raven banner. Lawrence Worthington hits the ground running and gets up to speed quickly. He has to—the mission rate doubles when a group of resistance teams get ambushed simultaneously. He needs every member—including Verity—at the top of their game and he has to find out how the enemy got their hands on the base locations.

And a preview snippet…

"Jones should fly out to get the lay of the land."
Verity's head snapped around at Percy's suggestion. Had he gone starking mad? Mission launch would be sometime in the next few hours.
She shook her head. "Afraid I'll have to decline, Longfellow." Facing forward again, she blinked when Worthington quirked an eyebrow. "Er, I'll be happy to fly out if you order it, sir. But I've got several irons in the fire with those two downed birds and finishing the upgrades on the last five stingers." She also wanted to test the new tracking device she'd designed.
She itched to be back in the air, but she also wanted the guys she worked for to have an edge.
Worthington agreed. "That does take priority, but I do want to see you fly soon." He glanced out the window. "Maybe we can go up together after you complete the repairs."
Verity bobbed her chin. "I'd like that. I'll let you know when I've got it all finished." She'd welcome the opportunity to match wits with one of her dad's rivals.
Worthington nodded. "Cavendish, Longfellow, get two four-man teams together. I want two in the stingers to act as escorts and a two-man team in a cargo plane to move refugees." He flipped his notebook shut. "Wheels up in two hours for one team and the other is on standby. You decide who goes out first." He dismissed the group.
Verity made a beeline for the Bertha Jay. She wanted to install the device she'd been working on for a trial run.
Emory caught up with her when she made the final adjustments. "Not like you to turn down an opportunity to fly out. Everything okay?" A note of concern entered his voice.
She smiled. "Yeah, nothing's wrong." She pulled him in close to the plane. "I've been working on a new project." Pointing to the tracker, she explained its concept. "This works like a homing beacon and internal tracker. When planes are on the ground, they don't show up on radar. This gives us coordinates when they're not flying." At least she hoped it would.
Emory's eyes widened. "That's brilliant." He gave her a long look. "You don't want Worthington to know?"
She jerked her head back and forth. "Not yet. It's untested and I'd like to work out anything buggy before I show him." She lifted one shoulder. "He's a progressive guy. If this works, he'll want all the planes to have them." And she'd probably have to pull Emory and Percy in to help her with building and installation.
Emory didn't argue. "What do I have to do?"
Verity grinned. "Nothing. That's part of the functionality. Pilots won't need to add anything to the pre-flight checks." She bumped her fist on the hull of the plane. "I'll monitor from the hangar while I install the upgrades to the stingers and work on the repairs."
Emory nudged her shoulder. "This could be a tide turner."
Verity gave a nod. "I'm hopeful." She'd love to give Blackraven the upper hand.

I have so much love for this series. I'm still not completely settled on the actual name yet, but Black Raven is edging out anything else.


That's it for this week.



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