Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Into the Fray

A weird week of chilly weather and lots of cleaning projects. I'm at that place where the clutter is driving me bonkers, but I don't have enough hours in the day to really focus on a good cleanout. So … I'm tackling small areas to at least make a little progress.

Lots of work projects landing in my inbox. A few have been quick turnarounds, which I enjoy. I love having a project that I can finish up in a few hours. That type of work helps when I also have three difficult manuscripts that challenge my brain and one that requires a lot of focus.

Had a solid week of viewing. I'm still trying to finish up an episode of Peak Practice, but I made it through a full round of shows.

Started with Mr. and Mrs. Murder, an Australian mystery series. I've seen several episodes but not in order and I'm looking forward to watching this one from beginning to end. Thoroughly enjoyed the first episode, which I had not seen.

Also started a new-to-me British crime drama called London Kills. Loved the first episode and look forward to watching this series.

Caught another episode of Death in Paradise introducing the new DI. Enjoyed the interaction between the commissioner and his new lead detective. Interesting to have someone Patterson doesn't particularly like as part of the team.

Started a new two-part Silent Witness. I'm intrigued by the premise of this one. I thought the episode felt a little disjointed and I'm hoping the initial murder somehow ties into the other two. Kind of happy to be guessing on this one.

Watched a fun episode of Elementary with the return of Lestrade. I love the actor, so I love the character. Plus, he's much less annoying than Mycroft.

Enjoyed an episode of The Batman. Finally got a return of Batgirl. I'd forgotten Firefly powered up in a big way and almost blew up Gotham. Great episode.

Caught another new-to-me episode of Classic Rugrats. I'm not a great fan of the three-vignette format but I do have a lot of love for this series.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Into the Fray, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the miniblurb:

Hex Harrigan usually gets Wiley Star out of trouble. When Hex goes against a council decision and gives the go to rescue a group of bounty hunters, he lands on the hot seat and is stripped of his authority. Wiley cuts a deal to get him reinstated and then takes the heat because she can't and won't work without him.

And a preview snippet…

"You did what?" Wiley ran a hand through her hair. "Are you insane? We're down eight people and you strip Hex of his privileges?" Her brain spun with ways she could fix this act of stupidity. "And you want me to take over as lead?" No way.
She didn't want the responsibility. Not when the council couldn't agree on anything, up to and including the color of the damn sky. Or pretty much anything else … hence the reason Hex shouldered the burden to bring their coworkers and friends back.
The council head arched his brows. "He went against protocol and came back alone. There has to be consequence for his action."
Wiley bit back a curse. "So, basically, if he had brought everyone home, we wouldn't be having this conversation." She snorted. "You know how fucked up that is, right?" Did the guy work at being obtuse?
Probably just came naturally.
The council head shrugged. "It is what it is." He folded his hands on the desk.
Wiley wanted to smash his face into the wall. "No, it is what you want it to be. Because you're now nine people down. We're spread too thin, and the whole reason Hex went off on his own is because you sent me out to deal with a nothing problem that could have waited." She had no doubt if they'd gone together, they'd be flush with bounty hunters again.
The head council narrowed his gaze. "You knew then? That Harrigan planned to attempt a rescue?" Censure laced his tone.
Hell, no. She didn't have a clue Hex decided to go rogue, but she fully supported his doing so. But she wouldn't give creep-face the satisfaction of the truth.
Instead … she might just salvage the entire shitshow.
Wiley folded her arms over her chest. "I not only knew, I planned the whole damn thing." A whopper of a lie, but she didn't care. "Give Hex his privileges back and I'll turn mine in when we get our hunters out." Creep-face would get to save face and garner his pound of flesh while doing so.
The head pursed his lips again. "I suppose that's agreeable. You have forty-eight hours to enact your rescue mission."
Wiley grunted. "You don't ask for much." They'd be hard-pressed to pull anything off now, especially without the element of surprise.
The head's lips curved in a thin smile. "I'm confident you'll do your best if only to leave the service on a high note." He pushed away from his desk and stood. "Clock starts at midnight."
Wiley lifted her chin. "By your leave." She spun around and stalked to the exit.
Hex would lose his shit when she told him what she'd done.

Just getting this one started and I can't wait to see what the sages come up with.


That's it for this week.



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