Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sunday Snippet: Long Time No See

Well, had a better week than the last one. Still not completely tip-top but feeling way better with the worst of the cold finally over. We got more snow this week, but warmer temperatures are around the corner. At least for a few days.

I got caught up on my work projects and lined up a potential new one. I'll be starting a new copy edit on one of my favorite mystery series and continuing my read through on the nonfiction project.

I'm setting up a storefront for Tip Jar Shorts. I'm kind of doing things a bit backward, but the more I thought about it, the more I figured a storefront would lend legitimacy to this endeavor. I wanted to keep things super simple and offer various methods of payment and I might still be able to do that, but I also thought it would be best to have immediate access to a downloadable file instead of waiting on a delivery to an inbox. We'll see which version works out the best.

Had an okay week of viewing. I didn't make a full cycle through of my shows, but I did get the back half watched. And I might be adding one additional show to the roster. I'll let everyone know if that happens.

Watched another episode of Elementary and rather enjoyed this one. Sherlock's dynamic with Joan is different and getting more settled. And Kitty is fitting in with both in ways I didn't expect.

Also caught an episode of Batman Beyond. I remembered this one and enjoyed it. I did forget the interaction with Terry and his brother so that was a nice reminder.

Enjoyed another new-to-me episode of Classic Rugrats. I sometimes wish Nickelodeon had continued with the plans for the pre-school show and added more of All Grown Up. The nostalgia is strong with this franchise. Instead, Spongebob and other weird stuff took off.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Long Time No See, a novella in a yet-to-be-named series.

Here's the miniblurb:

With Jonni on probation with the Marsoni clan and Val estranged from the Janis clan, the couple is forging their own path within the fae realm. The Vellas clan is on the warpath and Jonni receives a tip about who their next target is. She and Val have to decide if they're going to intervene or stay on the sidelines and not get involved, which could have serious ramifications for Val.

And a preview snippet…

Jonni Mars rolled her hips, drawing Val deeper into her core. "Damn, it's good to have you back." She planted her hands on the bed close to his shoulders, her fingers curling into her palms.
Val hissed out a breath. "Good to be back. Didn't enjoy tending to clan business, especially when I walked away for a reason." His head lifted and his lips latched on to her nipple.
Her eyes slid shut, pleasure spiraling through her. Val never failed to give her exactly what she needed to amp up the zinging awareness coursing along her nerve endings. He'd been cloistered with the Janis clan for two weeks, out of touch and unreachable. She started climbing the walls by day three because they'd spent nearly every day together for the last six months.
Being on probation sucked. She didn't realize how much space Val filled in her life … or how much of a distraction he provided, easing the huge void she'd landed in by being stuck on the sidelines. She couldn't even patrol without permission right now.
Val's lips traveled up to her shoulder. "Missed you." He nuzzled her collarbone.
Jonni changed the pace, slowing down and moving sensuously over the hard length buried deep inside her. "Yeah, same." Her head lowered and she met his lips.
Val slipped his tongue past her teeth to tangle with hers. His hips rose in counterpoint with her smooth rocking motion. Jonni slid closer to the edge of bliss. When Val skimmed his palms along her torso and around to cup her ass, he applied pressure to hold her in place. His groin bumped the hard nub of nerves, creating just the right amount of friction to send her over.
She broke the kiss on a gasp. "Ah, yes." A shiver rippled over her, and she came, her inner muscles gripping hard on his cock.
Val groaned. "So hot. Love to watch you lose control." He thrust upward two more times and shuddered under her.
Jonni collapsed atop his chest, her breath coming out in short bursts. Val wrapped his arms around her, his fingers drawing lazy circles on her skin. She loved basking in the afterglow with him.
The chirp of a phone broke the moment.
Her head popped up. "Yours or mine?" She glanced toward the nightstand beside the bed.
His phone screen stayed dark.
She sighed. "Ugh. It's mine." Sitting up, she leaned over and fished her device out of her pocket and swiped to answer, not bothering to check the ID. "Hello." The voice on the other end made her shoulders tense. "Yeah, okay. I'll be there in fifteen minutes."
Val's eyebrows arched. "Everything okay?"
Jonni shook her head. "Probably not. But I've got a meeting I can't miss."

I've just starting really writing this one and I can't wait to dive in and see where things go.


That's it for this week.



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