Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Guts and Glory

I can't believe we're at the end of June already. It's crazy how fast time is flying right now. Probably because of the whole respiratory yuck that ate up most of the month. Thankfully, that seems to have finally run its course. Feeling so much better now.

Had a super busy work week. Playing catch-up isn't my favorite thing on the planet. But I did finish a proofread and made solid progress on the other two projects on my plate.

Had a very limited viewing schedule this week, mainly because I really wanted to make as much of a dent as possible in my work. I had my usual background comfort shows playing in the background with Perry Mason and Midsomer Murders. I love the channels dedicated to one show, which is how I get Midsomer whenever I want. And Perry Mason is easy to find on the classic TV channels.

I did catch an episode of Best in Paradise and enjoyed revisiting how JP got reacquainted with Rosie. I'm enjoying the cast member introductions to each episode.

I also watched the first of a two-part Death in Paradise. I'd seen a bit of the episode before and knew what to expect but it's very powerful to watch from the beginning. Looking forward to the second part this week.

I started an episode of Elementary and didn't make it all the way through. I'll finish that one up later tonight.

And that's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Guts and Glory, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the miniblurb:

Ghosts, spirits, ghouls, and spooks are big business for Royal McKnight and Gamble Preacher, who each head rival teams that deal with and sometimes get rid of the specters. Gamble fears Royal is in over her head when a nasty ghoul wreaks havoc on the city and can't be banished, but Royal has an ace up her sleeve and doesn't need Gamble's assistance … until her team is in danger and Gamble has to save the day.

And a preview snippet…

Royal McKnight entered her headquarters and living space through sublevel two. "What a night." She shut and warded the door leading from the abandoned subway tunnel then headed for the first flight of stairs that would take her to sublevel one.
She shrugged out of her long jacket and draped the garment over her shoulder before entering the small enclosure that would take her to the first floor of the former First United Bank, which now operated as the base of operations for her team of ghost hunters.
A side door opened and her second in command, JJ Hardaway ducked into the hexagon-shaped landing from the parking garage that also doubled as their decontamination area. Clad only in a pair of loose warmups, a sure indicator he'd tangled with something—ghost, spirit, ghoul, or spook—and ended up covered with ectoplasm … or something worse. She'd heard a call go out but couldn't respond, because she'd had her nose to the ground following a possible lead.
JJ shook his head and jerked his thumb behind him. "I recommend avoiding the decon area for at least an hour. It'll take that long for the smell to dissipate." He ran a hand through his damp hair. "And I might need spend another thirty minutes in the shower." A shudder rippled over him.
Royal arched her brows. "Do we need to debrief first?" She kind of hoped not … a ton of research beckoned her.
JJ rolled his eyes. "Nah. Nothing special about the callout. Standard spook removal." His lips quirked. "Except for the part where the spook went corporeal just as I sprayed the deterrent on it."
Royal grimaced. "Ugh. You got skunked." No wonder JJ warned about the stench.
Spooks could manifest in solidified form for brief periods. If they were doused when they had a physical shape, they exploded in a barrage of congealed spookly bits. Yuck.
JJ rolled a shoulder. "Happens to the best of us." He nodded toward the steps. "Heading up or down?"
She lifted her chin. "Up. Gotta hit the stacks and do some research." She paused a moment. "Have you heard any rumblings about the old library?" She'd staked the place out based on a rumor she'd overheard at the Gilded Chalice, her favorite watering hole.
JJ grunted. "Only that Preacher's crew has been sniffing around that area." He nudged the door to the first floor open then held it for Royal.
Royal bit back a curse. "Figures. It's been a while since we bumped up against them." Not like both teams didn't have enough work with sightings and subsequent removals.
Gamble Preacher and his group were friendly—for the most part—rival ghost hunters. Former military, Preacher employed other fellow soldiers from all branches of the armed forces. Royal's cohorts all carried on a long-standing family tradition, each either inheriting their role or coming to the team after an otherworldly experience. She often put her instincts and knowledge of folklore and urban legends up against Gamble's precisely planned operations and often got better results. But … after fifty years of dealing with the spectral population—because a group of well-meaning but seriously misguided novices accidentally opened a portal from the afterlife—no end to the spooky visitations seemed to be in sight. Which meant there should be more than enough room to work without a lot of overlap.
JJ padded over to the monitoring station and fist-bumped with his partner Marcus. "Need you to take a break. Gonna need someone to scrub my back."
Marcus covered his nose with his hand. "Yeah and hold their breath while doing it." He winced. "Man, you reek."
Royal chuckled. "I was trying so hard not to point that out." She waved the guys off. "Go on, you two. I'll take the tablet with me and keep an eye on the panels." She started unloading her tools of the trade onto the desk.
The guys headed for the second floor where the living quarters were. Royal draped her jacket over the back of the chair and grabbed the oversized device, switching the feed from the computer monitors to the tablet. Keeping only one weapon tucked into her pocket, she headed for the elevator to take her to the third floor.
Her gut all but screamed they had a nasty ghoul on their hands, and she wanted to be one step ahead of Preacher and his gang.  

I'm excited about this story. I'm in the very beginning stages but the sages are feeding me a lot of great ideas.


That's it for this week.



Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Gotta Make a Living

We definitely had a hot week and I'm so glad I got rid of most of the yucky upper respiratory crud. We're due for some major storms later today so that should be interesting.

I'm still not quite caught up on my work projects but I'm making headway. Thankfully none of them have red line due dates. I did manage to finish a proofread and will be sending it on its merry way later today. I still have another proofread and a copy edit to work on this week.

Had an almost nonexistent viewing week. Between playing catch up on my work projects and still being kind of bleh, I stuck with my comfort viewing of Perry Mason and Midsomer Murders. I did work in a few binge episodes of Death in Paradise on regular television.

That said, I did start the new season of My Life Is Murder and I'm loving the premiere episode so far. So nice to have Alexa and Madison back!

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Gotta Make a Living, a novella with a sexy noir vibe.

Here's the miniblurb:

Niles finds Claire standing over a dead body and can't decide if he should call the cops or haul her into his arms. Claire makes the choice easy by asking him if he sees any smoking guns. They decide they better work together to find the killer before Claire is framed for a murder she didn't commit.

And a preview snippet…

Claire entered through C&P's private executive alcove and took the elevator up to the corporate office suite. The need to put this case in the done column meant she called Conrad as soon as she walked in her door. She didn't even get a chance to change out of her tarty clothing before Conrad insisted she bring the file.
Rolling her eyes, she sighed. "Should have waited until I'd changed into something more comfortable." But he sounded almost desperate to see the information.
The lift slowed to a stop, and a creepy feeling assailed her when she got out. But she chalked it up to being in the building so late. She always had an uneasy feeling when she had to meet her clients under clandestine circumstances.
Conrad's office door had been left open a crack. Clair nudged it and entered the room. She found the desk lamp on but the chair empty and turned at an odd angle.
Frowning, she resisted the urge to flip the switch for the overhead lights. "He might not want anyone to know we're meeting." Hell, she didn't really want anyone to know.
Creeping further inside the space, she almost tripped over a body. Glancing downward, she barely smothered a gasp. Shit. Conrad!
She had no idea if the killer remained or not. She stooped down, dreading the thought of touching Conrad, but needing to get a general idea of how long he'd been dead. She reached out, her hand trembling, but the elevator pinged again.
Thinking quickly, she beat a hasty retreat behind the door. The killer could be coming back or trying to leave. Or it could be the cleaning people. Whoever … she didn't want to get caught.
Trying not to breathe too heavily, she cursed leaving her gun behind in her haste to give Pesterman the file. Her purse would have to do as a makeshift weapon. Wouldn't be the first time she'd used that tactic.
A man entered, wearing a trench coat and fedora, his gaze scanning the room. Claire had to move now, before he discovered her. She raised her arm, intent on slugging him in the face from behind, but he spun and blocked her, jerking her forward. The momentum carried her past him and into the wall next to the door jamb.
Well, damn. Definitely didn't anticipate his quick reflexes.
His voice rumbled from behind her. "What are you doing here?" His hand flattened against her shoulder blades, keeping her pushed forward.
Considering she only caught a glimpse of a face she might have recognized, she stayed silent for the moment. She needed a hot minute before she figured out how to handle this dilemma. And she'd rather not do it smooshed up against the wall.
Not a great position to be in.

I love writing this story! Claire and Niles are fun characters and weaving in some noir-type vibes is a favorite thing of mine.


That's it for this week.



Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Going to Extremes

Happy Father's Day to anyone celebrating. For those not for whatever reason, I hope your day is filled with peace and calm and you find your joy.

It's been a really rough week. I definitely didn't make it through the worst the week prior. I had a lot more yuck to get through. Thankfully, I'm now down to some nagging congestion, but I can breathe again and I'm not coughing every five minutes, which makes me happy because we're due for some awful heat this week.

Managed to stay mostly on top of my work projects. I'm not as far along as I'd like to be, but I'm within my window to meet my deadlines. Not being 100 percent isn't fun but at least I can work around being less than my best. If I had a job with set hours, I'd still probably be fighting through the slog of upper respiratory yuck.

Had a very slow week of viewing. I didn't have the brain power to get involved in much of anything but comfort shows like Perry Mason and Midsomer Murders.

I did catch another Best in Paradise and thoroughly enjoyed the introduction from Don Warrington. It's fun to hear him speak without the Caribbean accent.

I also watched another Death in Paradise and it's one I only saw bits and pieces of when it first aired. Nice to see if from start to finish.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Hopefully I'll be back to somewhat normal for next week's entry.

Tonight's post is from Going to Extremes, a novella that got a start from a writing community prompt.

Here's the miniblurb:

In a magickal realm where dragons are born and raised, a proctor is using dark arts to gain control over the mystical beasts. To stop his plot, the undermage, Clemson Sentre, sends his best wranglers, Osana Wrang and Calix Sentre, to remove the proctor from power during an event with an esteemed rival. But the dangerous and daring plan goes awry and puts the couple in peril and makes them face how they feel for each other.

And a preview snippet…

Osana Wrang bumped into Calix Sentre when she rounded the corner to the undermage's chambers. "Um, sorry about that." She stepped back and smoothed her palm over her short cape. "Did your uncle summon you, also?" There could be no way Clemson Sentre found out about her recent liaison with Calix … right?
Not that it mattered. They didn't break any rules by sharing a bed … er … couch then a bed. But Clemson might not be thrilled his protégé nephew decided to hook up with her.
At least I'm his favorite student—and wrangler—ever.
Calix lifted his chin. "He did. Any clue what this is all about?" He propped a shoulder along the wall.
Osana shook her head. "Nope. You don't think he found out we're…" She trailed off because she had no idea how to refer to their new status.
Friends with benefits?
More than coworkers?
Rivals that smash on the downlow?
She pulled her thoughts in and met Calix's gaze. "Sorry. Never mind." What they called themselves didn't matter right now.
Calix's lips curved in a smirk. "No. I don't think. Wouldn't matter anyway. We're grown-ass adults and the two best dragon wranglers on his campus." Folding his arms over his chest, he grunted. "And we're at the top of the mage roster also. Having incredible sex doesn't change any of that." His eyebrow arched, daring her to counter his statement.
She couldn't because she got hung up on the incredible sex part. Because, yeah, no argument there. Which he'd know considering they'd been friends since entering the Silverwing Academy as students seven years ago. Even if their kinship made no sense. They approached everything from opposite ends. Calix slid into whatever he tackled with measured thought and astute reasoning. She jumped in feet first and slogged through whatever stood in her way.
Calix cleared his throat to get her attention. "Os? Am I wrong? Has everything changed?" A note of worry entered his voice.
She blinked. "What? No. Well, of course, it changes a little, but not the important stuff." She'd stab herself in the before she let that happen.
Calix pushed away from the wall. "Then let's see what the old man wants, yeah?"
She nodded. "Absolutely." Lifting her hand, she knocked on the heavy teak doors.

I just started this one and I'm already having so much fun writing this duo. Can't wait to see what happens next.


That's it for this week.



Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Ghoulish Games (a Lantern Jack tale)

Ugh. Still feeling terrible and under the weather. The respiratory yuck that's going around in my area is awful. I think I'm through the worst. Fingers crossed!

Had a whole slew of new projects land in my inbox this week. I'm so thankful for the work and truly hope I can get back to a normal schedule where I don't crash several times a day and need to rest.

Slow viewing week, mainly due to the aforementioned rest periods. When I only got about two to three hours of sleep at a stretch, those nap sessions were super important.

I started the fifth and final season of Suspects. Wow, brutal opening episode and kind of a heartbreaker. I have a feeling Jack is going to go completely off the rails. And Charlie needs to have a moment to grieve and wrap her head around everything.

I finished the tenth season of Brokenwood Mysteries. I love this show so much. I'll look forward to the next season with lots of anticipation.

Caught another episode of Best in Paradise. I rather liked meeting Humphrey's dad and rewatching this episode ended up being a great reminder of how fierce Florence could be.

Enjoyed an episode of Death in Paradise. I'd watched a little of this one and I'm glad I got to see it from beginning to end. Very twisty plot threads in this one.

Watched another episode of Elementary. Nice to see Mycroft again. Loved the new dynamic between the brothers. Gotta say I'm on the fence with the whole Watson sleeping with Mycroft deal, but we'll see if I come down on one side or the other later.

Caught an episode of The Batman and it's one I remember from my original watch. I liked seeing Dick in school and the double-cross by the Riddler ended up being fun. The ending, though, topped everything.

Enjoyed a Classic Rugrats episode that departed from the normal two to three vignettes. "Finsterella" was such a fun episode of the show.

And that's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Ghoulish Games, a Lantern Jack tale featuring a nymph and a hellhound.

Here's the miniblurb:

Lantern Jack is back to right another wrong. When Glenna Greer finds a man on her doorstep she faces a dilemma. Use her powers to save—which she is forbidden to do—or let him possibly die. The urge to heal is strong in the wood nymph and she risks banishment going against her clan's directive. When she discovers Radbourne Renner is a hellhound, she's really in a quandary.

And a preview snippet…

A pounding head, throbbing pain in his side, and complete disorienting location gave Radbourne Renner his first taste of fear in over a decade. "What happened!" The headache made his brain mushy. "Where am I and how the hell did I get here?" An image of Jared Janko popped into his mind. "Aw, fuck, no.'' His breath hissed out between his teeth. "That asshat is behind this." The throb in his side burned and he put his hand against it. "Shit." His fingers came away covered in blood. He paused, taking a labored breath. "No wonder I'm a mess. I've been fucking stabbed."
Rad had no idea what set Janko off this time. They'd been unfriendly rivals almost since birth. Radbourne tended to avoid tangling with Jared … usually didn't have the patience to deal with the hothead and learned from experience the man had no honor. He had a mean streak, a bloated ego, and fought dirty—the wound in Rad's side a testament to that fact. The head of homestead banned weapons for anyone attending the gatherings.
Rad snorted then winced when another searing stitch reminded him of the gash. "Apparently Janko didn't get the memo." More like the dickhole chose to ignore the head's command.
Then freaked out when and dumped Rad in the middle of nowhere. A vague memory of being dragged to a truck and hoisted into the bed skittered through his aching mind. Trying to get his bearings, Radbourne couldn't get past the pain to scent the way toward home. Or … Janko masked the trail, hoping Rad would perish and leave Jared in the clear. His focus went dark and gray again. Imminent peril had his preternatural senses kicking in.
Radbourne sniffed the air. "There's someone living out here." He followed his nose and nearly fell down in gratitude when a small cottage came into view.
With his vision swimming, he stumbled toward the house and hopefully help. Less than ten feet from the porch, his knees gave out and he sprawled to the ground in a heap. Numb and dizzy, he didn't even attempt to get back up.
He tried to call out, but his voice only gurgled in his throat. "Dammit, so close, so close." He closed his eyes, unable to fight the heavy sensation spreading through his body.
On a long exhale, the black veil of unconsciousness swallowed him whole.

I love writing the Lantern Jack tales. Glenna and Radbourne are getting Jack closer to fulfilling his penance and ready to move on to his afterlife.


That's it for this week.



Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Fundamental Basics (Lantern Jack tale)

Welcome June and another month where time will probably fly by too quickly. Doesn't help that I'm under the weather right now and feeling yucky. Hopefully whatever this is will pass quickly and I can get back to normal.

Had a solid work week. Finished up a cozy mystery proofread and made progress on a developmental edit. Also got a lot of writing done, which makes me happy because I've been hitting walls lately.

Fairly good viewing this week. Managed to go through my show list twice. I might start adding in a few more shows but I like this current group.

Finished up the fourth season of Suspects. I'll be starting the fifth and final season this week. Looks like a banger ending for this series.

Caught two episodes of Brokenwood Mysteries. Both were excellent. Very fun to see how Halloween is celebrated in New Zealand, especially since it's spring there instead of fall. Very cool.

Watched two episodes of Best in Paradise. I'm enjoying the intros by the actors and I'm enjoying their picks for favorite episodes.

Also enjoyed two episodes of Death in Paradise. I'd seen bits of both episodes but not the whole thing. Loved the one with the zoo. Also like how much Jack is becoming a part of the community.

Caught two episodes of Elementary. Interesting to see Gregson's personal life on a bit of a display. Also thoroughly enjoying Sherlock's interactions with Joan as he fully sinks into the partnership.

Watched two episodes of The Batman. Fun to have Harley Quinn introduced. And I very much enjoyed the New Year's Eve episode.

Also enjoyed two episodes of Classic Rugrats. I'd forgotten they started to work three vignettes in after the movie. Not sure if I really like that in hindsight.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Fundamental Basics, a Lantern Jack tale.

Here's the miniblurb:

Lantern Jack is back to right another wrong. A sprite, Farin Frazier, is a social outcast who comes together with Qeb Quince, a spook (shade?) who is questioning his undead existence. The two shouldn't be attracted to each other, they're mortal enemies, but they find some common ground on All Hallows, when magick is at its strongest.

And a preview snippet…

Farin Frazier shook her head. "Thank you for the invite, Maggie, but you know how much I hate the big blowouts on All Hallows.
Maggie rolled her eyes. "Farin, you don't give yourself enough credit. If you come, people will talk to you and include you in the festivities."
Farin shuddered. "That's my fear. I do fine one on one, like with you and me. But large crowds of people make me tongue-tied and when I do talk, I say the wrong thing."
Maggie sighed. "Okay, but I'll be over bright and early the day after to fill you in on all the happenings—who's doing who and where." She laughed. "You know the random hookups are the craziest on All Hallows."
Yes, Farin had firsthand knowledge about becoming a notch on a random sprite's bedpost. And the humiliating aftermath.
She gave Maggie a bland smile. "I'll be here with coffee and those tasty little cakes you like so much."
Maggie tilted her head to one side. "You're going to meet someone one of these days who will bring you out of your shell."
Farin didn't live in a shell. She inhabited the real world fully aware of her strengths and weaknesses. The beautiful home she'd created satisfied her on an elemental level. Where verbal communication always tripped her up, speaking through design and art came easily. Maggie kept Farin updated on the happenings in the glade, which suited Farin just fine.
Maggie snapped her fingers. "Hello? Are you listening?"
Farin nodded. "Yeah, yeah. I hear you. My knight will come soon. Blah-blah-blah." She got up and emptied her coffee mug. "I don't need a dude on a white horse to save me from myself." She wouldn't mind a guy who liked art and had patience with socially awkward women, but whatever. "I'm perfectly okay living vicariously through you and creating my art to sell online and in the city."
Maggie sighed. "I know you're all right with your life, Farin. But you deserve a man who gets you on a fundamental level and lets you be you but also makes you better." Her eyes went wide and bright. "And one that rocks your world sideways."
Farin grinned. "Like Jansen does for you?"
Maggie's smile let up the room. "Exactly. I want my best friend in the whole universe to find her other half. It's amazing."
Farin hugged Maggie. "If it happens, I hope I'm as happy as you are." But Farin wouldn't hold her breath.
Maggie grabbed her bag. "It won't happen if you never put yourself out there." She held up a hand. "But I get it. You don't want to do the finding at the big bash." She made her way to the main door. "Maybe think about coming to the council meeting next month. You do have a stake in what they decide for the glade."
A valid point. But … the community center meant lots of fae from the glade. Bleh.
Farin shrugged. "I'll think about it." And she would for about a hot minute.
Maggie rolled her eyes. "I'm coming to get you for it and won't take no for an answer." With a waggle-finger wave, she left Farin to the quiet afternoon.

I have so much fun writing the Lantern Jack tales. Qeb and Farin are cool characters and making Jack work his magick on them is a joy.


That's it for this week.

