Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Fundamental Basics (Lantern Jack tale)

Welcome June and another month where time will probably fly by too quickly. Doesn't help that I'm under the weather right now and feeling yucky. Hopefully whatever this is will pass quickly and I can get back to normal.

Had a solid work week. Finished up a cozy mystery proofread and made progress on a developmental edit. Also got a lot of writing done, which makes me happy because I've been hitting walls lately.

Fairly good viewing this week. Managed to go through my show list twice. I might start adding in a few more shows but I like this current group.

Finished up the fourth season of Suspects. I'll be starting the fifth and final season this week. Looks like a banger ending for this series.

Caught two episodes of Brokenwood Mysteries. Both were excellent. Very fun to see how Halloween is celebrated in New Zealand, especially since it's spring there instead of fall. Very cool.

Watched two episodes of Best in Paradise. I'm enjoying the intros by the actors and I'm enjoying their picks for favorite episodes.

Also enjoyed two episodes of Death in Paradise. I'd seen bits of both episodes but not the whole thing. Loved the one with the zoo. Also like how much Jack is becoming a part of the community.

Caught two episodes of Elementary. Interesting to see Gregson's personal life on a bit of a display. Also thoroughly enjoying Sherlock's interactions with Joan as he fully sinks into the partnership.

Watched two episodes of The Batman. Fun to have Harley Quinn introduced. And I very much enjoyed the New Year's Eve episode.

Also enjoyed two episodes of Classic Rugrats. I'd forgotten they started to work three vignettes in after the movie. Not sure if I really like that in hindsight.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Fundamental Basics, a Lantern Jack tale.

Here's the miniblurb:

Lantern Jack is back to right another wrong. A sprite, Farin Frazier, is a social outcast who comes together with Qeb Quince, a spook (shade?) who is questioning his undead existence. The two shouldn't be attracted to each other, they're mortal enemies, but they find some common ground on All Hallows, when magick is at its strongest.

And a preview snippet…

Farin Frazier shook her head. "Thank you for the invite, Maggie, but you know how much I hate the big blowouts on All Hallows.
Maggie rolled her eyes. "Farin, you don't give yourself enough credit. If you come, people will talk to you and include you in the festivities."
Farin shuddered. "That's my fear. I do fine one on one, like with you and me. But large crowds of people make me tongue-tied and when I do talk, I say the wrong thing."
Maggie sighed. "Okay, but I'll be over bright and early the day after to fill you in on all the happenings—who's doing who and where." She laughed. "You know the random hookups are the craziest on All Hallows."
Yes, Farin had firsthand knowledge about becoming a notch on a random sprite's bedpost. And the humiliating aftermath.
She gave Maggie a bland smile. "I'll be here with coffee and those tasty little cakes you like so much."
Maggie tilted her head to one side. "You're going to meet someone one of these days who will bring you out of your shell."
Farin didn't live in a shell. She inhabited the real world fully aware of her strengths and weaknesses. The beautiful home she'd created satisfied her on an elemental level. Where verbal communication always tripped her up, speaking through design and art came easily. Maggie kept Farin updated on the happenings in the glade, which suited Farin just fine.
Maggie snapped her fingers. "Hello? Are you listening?"
Farin nodded. "Yeah, yeah. I hear you. My knight will come soon. Blah-blah-blah." She got up and emptied her coffee mug. "I don't need a dude on a white horse to save me from myself." She wouldn't mind a guy who liked art and had patience with socially awkward women, but whatever. "I'm perfectly okay living vicariously through you and creating my art to sell online and in the city."
Maggie sighed. "I know you're all right with your life, Farin. But you deserve a man who gets you on a fundamental level and lets you be you but also makes you better." Her eyes went wide and bright. "And one that rocks your world sideways."
Farin grinned. "Like Jansen does for you?"
Maggie's smile let up the room. "Exactly. I want my best friend in the whole universe to find her other half. It's amazing."
Farin hugged Maggie. "If it happens, I hope I'm as happy as you are." But Farin wouldn't hold her breath.
Maggie grabbed her bag. "It won't happen if you never put yourself out there." She held up a hand. "But I get it. You don't want to do the finding at the big bash." She made her way to the main door. "Maybe think about coming to the council meeting next month. You do have a stake in what they decide for the glade."
A valid point. But … the community center meant lots of fae from the glade. Bleh.
Farin shrugged. "I'll think about it." And she would for about a hot minute.
Maggie rolled her eyes. "I'm coming to get you for it and won't take no for an answer." With a waggle-finger wave, she left Farin to the quiet afternoon.

I have so much fun writing the Lantern Jack tales. Qeb and Farin are cool characters and making Jack work his magick on them is a joy.


That's it for this week.



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