Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Fistful of Sorry

May is winding down and it's been kind of a whirlwind month. Or I might be hitting that age where time seems to fly by faster every day.

Not a bad work week. I finished up a project and jumped back into one that had been sitting on the back burner for a while. Also started a new one. Got some writing done also, which makes me happy because the sages have been on an extended vacation.

Pretty good week of viewing also. I managed to go through my slate of shows twice and finished up an episode I left hanging a few weeks ago.

Watched two episodes of The Brokenwood Mysteries. Thoroughly enjoyed both. I'm so excited this show is back for another season. I love the characters so much.

Caught two episodes of Death in Paradise. Finished up season seven and ended up liking it a lot. Starting season eight this week.

Started watching Best in Paradise, which features the favorite episodes of the cast. Got two viewed, and I think I'll continue watching. They have fun intros from the cast member and why the episode is one of their favorites.

Watched two episodes of Elementary and I really love how Joan is being fleshed out and using her knowledge. Also kind of happy to see some growth with Sherlock.

Enjoyed two episodes of The Batman. I remembered both and enjoyed each one. Really fun to have Robin and Batgirl working together to take down the rogues.

Caught one episode of Suspects and it ended up being a twisty affair, which I love. I have two more episodes of season four and then I'll start the final fifth season.

Watched two episodes of Classic Rugrats. Finished up the lead-in to the movie and caught the first episode post wedding. Fun stuff.

Also finished an episode of Peak Practice I started a couple of weeks ago. The later seasons seem to be a little hit or miss for me. Can't wait to finally get to season twelve.

That's it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Fistful of Sorry, a novella that puts a couple through a trial by fire.

Here's the miniblurb:

Orly Manx and Cal Luminity always approach situations from opposite angles but usually end up on the same side. When Orly pushes a cadet too far during training, she apologizes to Cal for not following his advice. But Cal isn't interested in listening or quick to forgive, which drives a wedge between them, and Orly realizes how much she needs Cal to play yin to her yang. Clearly in the wrong, Orly can't take back her actions, so making amends is all she has left.

And a preview snippet…

Cal could kick himself for thinking he could appeal to Orly's better nature and hope for the best. "Because that always blows up in my face." He cut through the quad and headed for the morning session of free-time exercise in the training room also known as the shed.
Not keeping his word to Barnabas might bite Cal on the ass. He didn't want to break the confidence, but he couldn't see another way to try and get Orly on board. And, of course, she didn't cooperate anyway.
Pulling the door open, Cal sighed. "Barnabas can be angry if he wants to." Benson wouldn't discover his grandfather's meddling from Orly.
That much Cal could count on.
He entered the wide, airy space and took a post along the north wall to observe Benson during his warmup. A lot of information revealed itself when a plebe didn't have the pressure to perform sitting squarely on their shoulders. Benson moved with ease even if he struggled with some of the gestures needed for spell-casting.
It's not lack of coordination. It's lack of confidence.
Cal understood that on a deep level. When he first started at the school as a student, carrying the family name added a heavy weight to everything he did. From living up to the expectations of the faculty to fighting against the preconceived notions of his fellow cadets, Cal's first year still topped the chart as the most tortured. He suffered paralyzing stage fright and almost gave up because the pressure to succeed as a member of a founding family nearly did him in.
His saving grace? Orly. She'd blazed into the school with nothing but raw, amazing talent and a willingness to do anything necessary to become a premier mage. She also befriended Cal, according to her, despite the fact he had privilege stamped all over him. On some weird level, she recognized a kindred spirit … someone who wanted to be the very best. Unlike everyone else, she didn't ask questions about or pry into his family dynamics … mainly because she didn't care if got along with his parents or whether he lived up to their standards. The only thing she wanted from him? Companionship, in and out of bed, and someone she could challenge and be challenged by.
Cal snorted. "And to this day, she still lives for the competition." Which normally didn't bother him…
Until now.
Because Benson Mikkleson gave away a lot of clues during his free-time exercise. He subtly eyed the other students and tried to mimic their stances. Maybe because his sensitivity held him back. Or … possibly because he had a ton of baggage he needed to work on checking before he really settled into his ability. Without a friend like Orly in his corner, Benson would probably struggle to find his place.
Cal frowned. "Why can't she remember how much we hated the grueling methods?" Because those practices worked ninety percent of the time.
Yet … how many good mages did they lose because of an unbending structure?
Pushing away from the wall, Cal headed for the exit so he could prepare for his first class. "Here's hoping Benson Mikkleson won't be in the ten percent that don't make it through the first semester…"

I'm very happy with how this story is coming together. I love writing a couple with issues and Cal and Orly definitely don't see eye to eye sometimes.


That's it for this week.



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