Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Fiery Yule (a Holiday Spirit short)

Had a solid week of getting stuff done. This makes me happy. Got a garden planted. Okay, my husband got most of the planting done. I only did one thing, but I call that a win anyway.

On the work front, I did fairly well also. I'm hoping to launch a new venture in June, and I finally got back to setting that up. I also finished up a copy edit and started a proofreading project.

Solid week of viewing also. I'm in a bit of a groove and sticking with a cluster of shows. I still have a weird urge to binge watch a marathon of something, but I've resisted that urge. It's so easy to fall down a rabbit hole and not get anything done.

Ended up getting two episodes of Death in Paradise watched. One featured a Day of the Dead tie in, which is notable only because I'm watching a different show today that has a Day of the Dead tie in.

Also got two episodes of Elementary in. Started season two and got to meet Mycroft, which I enjoyed. Also got some additional Joan backstory and I'm glad to see some of that.

Enjoyed two episodes of The Batman. Both were ones I remembered from my original run through the show. Season three is different as I don't feel as connected to the characters, but it's a pretty solid season so far.

Caught two episodes of Classic Rugrats. I've started season eight and I'd forgotten it's a lead up to the Rugrats in Paris movie and all the episodes are interconnected.

Watched two episodes of Suspects. I finished up season three and started season four. The premiere of four had a very twisty case and I really enjoyed that one.

Started season ten of Brokenwood Mysteries. I love this show so much. There's a terrific cast of characters and I love that Frodo and Todd have found both bodies so far this season.

Also enjoyed the finale of season twenty-six of Silent Witness. I'm finally one hundred percent caught up with the series. Now I play a waiting game until season twenty-seven.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Fiery Yule, a holiday spirit sexy short.

Here's the miniblurb:

A holiday spirit, Spruce Lightfir, gives Enzo Escada, a fire demon, the perfect place to lay low over the Yule holiday. Enzo craves some time alone, away from the demanding overseer of Enzo's peerage. When Quinne Quailer, a mystic, arrives for a sabbatical from the human world, Enzo is cranky about the intrusion … until Quinne's presence calms his fiery inner soul. Maybe the miracle of Yule can free Enzo from his life of servitude.

And a preview snippet…

Quinne Quailer completely lost her cool. "We're entering the most festive time of year, and the constant petty arguments are beyond disappointing." If she had to mediate one more disagreement about how to handle … anything … she'd go mad.
I established a council to help ease my workload not heap more on.
So far, the group of twelve spent more time fighting over hierarchy than actually resolving tribe issues.
Quinne stared her group down. "Why do you bring these minute issues to me?" She sighed. "This is stuff you should be working out amongst yourselves." Gathering her sacred items, she stowed them in her leather satchel. "I'm done for today. When you decide to stop being argumentative and start helping your fellow tribemates, let me know." With quiet dignity, she turned and walked out of the room.
She exited the council house and made the short walk to her home. Off balance, exhausted, and deeply wounded, she refused to let the tears gathering behind her eyelids escape. Trudging up the half dozen steps to her porch she found a parchment envelope on her doorstep.
Wary, she opened the packet and read the invitation.

The time has come for solitude at last.
Replenish your spirit and make it last.
Lay down your burden and embrace some cheer.
Travel to Goodacre to end the year.

A set of instructions and available dates were enclosed, along with a strong suggestion she take some time to enjoy the bed and breakfast over the yule holiday.
Quinne discounted the idea. "Yeah, I don't have time." Shouldering her way into her house, she sighed. "I really need to stay right here." But she longed for solitude.
Why shouldn't she have some downtime? If everything fell apart … well, maybe that would kick the council into gear. And possibly spur them to do what needed to be done.
She closed her eyes when a knock sounded on her door. The oak slab barely cracked open before Harriet Hurst, one of the tribal council, pushed her way inside. Quinne blinked at the invasion.
Harriet planted her hands on her hips. "What kind of drama-queen crap are you pulling?" She sucked in a deep breath. "I mean, what kind of example are you trying to set by storming out of the meeting?" She arched a winged brow.
Quinne's mouth dropped open. Harriet wanted to berate Quinne's behavior. When she and the other members couldn't get out of their own way long enough to do the job of governing and helping the rest of the tribe?
Quinne finally had enough. "Why am I the leader?" If pulling rank and throwing some weight around didn't nip this … nothing would.
Harriet started to argue. "Well, because—" She stopped and snapped her mouth shut.
Quinne pressed her lips together. "Exactly, because no one else wants the burden of responsibility." Winding up, she pushed her point. "And why am I the mystic healer?" Pinning Harriet with a hard glare, she waited for the only response available.
Harriet flushed and glanced away. "No one else living has the gift." Her words were softly spoken because they were true.
Quinne flung out a hand. "And there we go. I'm basically working two jobs with the welfare and well-being of the entire tribe in my hands. And you want to chastise me for taking the council to task for not helping?" Quinne all but dared Harriet to deny the accusation.
Harriet shook her head and backpedaled. "No, I'm not. That's not what I'm doing…" Her voice trailed off and she shrugged.
Quinne made a garbled choking sound. "Yes, it is." She considered the invitation again. "You know what? I'm going on a brief sabbatical. I obviously need one since you feel I'm not conducting myself as a proper leader should."
Harriet held up her hands. "I never said that."
Quinne repeated Harriet's words back to her. "I'm pulling drama-queen crap and setting a questionable example. That's what you opened with."
Harriet scrambled with excuses. "But … but … it's almost yule."
Quinne rolled her eyes. "Don't worry. I'll leave detailed notes for the council." She already had a handbook filled out if any of the members had bothered to read the information.
Harriet tried one final tactic. "What if someone needs healing?" A smug twist had her lips curving.
Quinne hardened her resolve. "That's what the infirmary is for, Harriet. And if there's an emergency, one of the other medical healers can contact me." She nudged Harriet toward the door. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some packing to do." Closing the stunned look on Harriet's face behind the heavy wood, Quinne headed for her room to gather some clothes.
She really didn't want to go at first. Now she couldn't wait to leave. For some nice, quiet alone time.
Zipping up her suitcase, she settled at her desk and started a note for the healers. "Goodacre Bed and Breakfast, here I come…"

The holiday spirit stories are so much fun to write. I love coming up with quirky names for the spirits and resolving the conflict between the two paranormal love interests.


That's it for this week.





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