Sunday, May 5, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Fancy Meeting You Here

Had a super emotional day yesterday with my daughter graduating from college with a bachelor's in media production and theater. She starts grad school in the fall for arts administration. I'm so proud of her! And … considering she had a drive-through high school graduation, getting to see her walk for her bachelor's made me very happy.

Had another good week of work and writing. I finished up two manuscript edits and a proofread on the work front and wrote several scenes in three or four of my WIPs. I'm not quite where I want to be on my writing, but I'm getting back to form.

Actually had a solid week of viewing also. Maybe the planets are aligned where I need them to be right now. Who knows?

Watched two episodes of Elementary and, wow, I rather like what they did with the Moriarity thing. Looking forward to seeing how that ends up. I think I have one more episode of the first season.

Started season three of The Batman and watched two episodes. I remembered both and enjoyed each one.

Caught two episodes of Classic Rugrats. I think I'm at the end of season seven where the two vignettes are actually one episode. Kind of liked that format. I think the new theme starts with season eight. I'll find out this week I think.

Started a new season of Suspects. Loved the opening episode. It did not go where I thought it would and I love that.

Watched another episode of Madame Blanc Mysteries. Broken-hearted for Gloria. I kind of hope there's more to the story about Cooper. I kind of want to find out what his whole deal was with Gloria.

Enjoyed another episode of Death in Paradise. I don't remember this one at all and actually loved it. Definitely a twisty one.

Caught the first part of Silent Witness. I'm excited to see where this one goes. There's definitely more than meets the eye for this case. I'm not thrilled with the new addition to Jack's life. I love his niece, but the mom is a piece of work and I don't like her at all.

Started a new episode of Peak Practice. I'll try to finish it up this week. Not sure what's up with Sam but I assume the seeds are being planted for his departure and that's why he's being such a prat right now.

Last but not least, I started a documentary called Broken Horses, mainly because it features the author of one of the books I've been working on and his stance that the drugging of horses needs to stop. I can honestly say it's a hard watch and my personal thought there might be a trainer who should never, ever be allowed to participate in the sport ever again. But that's just me.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Fancy Meeting You Here, a novella that brings a couple together under fraught circumstances.

Here's the miniblurb:

Jonni Mars and Val Janison are enforcers for two opposing mage families and have a friendly rivalry. When Val, a member of the ruling house, shows up at Jonni's favorite underground dive, she's both infuriated and intrigued, and more than a little surprised to meet him under almost normal circumstances.

And a preview snippet…

Dammit. She hated being called on her bullshit.

Taking a deep, cleansing breath, she listed her issues with black and white. "That's an encapsulated version." She flung out a hand. "But you've got a point. I don't disrespect you. The snark and biting comments are my defense." Pacing back and forth, she muttered. "I'm trying to stay out of you head the only way I know how." But she didn't have to be a complete bitch.

Val lifted his chin. "I get it." He shoved his hands in his pockets. "But … can we call a truce? The whole reason we came to the Warwick is to unravel the connection, figure out how and why it's happening." Leaning against the wall, he crossed one booted foot over the other.

Jonni calmed down. "Okay. Yeah. We should get on the same page." She huffed out a frustrated breath. "But I have no idea how to even start." Or where.

Val pushed away from the plastered surface and made his way to the couch. "I suggest we walk back to the night we fought Philan. That started this." He slouched down, kicking his feet out.

She reluctantly agreed. "Yeah, okay. But I still don't know what happened or how it did." She'd never had a slip like that, not even with Rochelle and they'd been like sisters.

Val rolled a shoulder. "Look, I'll own having an instant attraction to you. Maybe that's at play?" His lips turned down, which showed his discomfort with the idea.

Jonni admitted the same. "Yeah, there's a spark there. Like I've known you for years … which I sort of do." She planted herself in the chair opposite the sofa. "Everyone knows the major players in the three clans." At least everyone that worked with or for ruling families.

Val grunted. "Yeah, but it's more than that. I've got a reputation for being very cool under pressure, but I've been on edge since you invaded my mind." He shook his head.

Jonni got defensive. "Not like I tried to do it." The reply sounded lame, but she really didn't have a clue how she'd mindslipped into his consciousness.

Val met her gaze. "Okay. I believe that." He straightened and leaned forward, placing his forearms on his knees. "Maybe see if you can do it now."

What did they have to lose?

Jonni probed but couldn't get through. "I've got nothing." Hope filled her. "Progress?" Gah, she hoped so.

Val gave a shrug. "Possibly. Let's wait a while and see what happens." He leaned back against the cushions again.

Jonni arched her brows. "Seriously? I've got things to do." Like figure out why she kept hitting dead ends.

Val folded his arms over his chest. "Tell me about them." He gave her a look that dared her to deny his request.

Jonni sighed and explained about her false leads and frustration. They talked a little more and she got comfortable. Val had some solid ideas about picking up the cold trail. And he didn't appear to find her lack of progress overly concerning. It took time to run down leads and false starts were part of the job.

She started to comment but got a very vivid image of being sprawled naked on a featherbed, her legs splayed wide and Val's head between them. His hands grasped her hips and he drew her closer to his delving tongue. A hot flush washed over her, and she gasped.

Pissed off, her gaze flew to his. "What the hell, Val?" She shot up off the chair and ran a hand through her hair.

Val gave a grunt. "See … you're still doing it." He smirked, an unrepentant look on his face.

She whirled to face him. "Dammit! Why? I do not want to be in your head." Huffing out a harsh breath, she made a hard admission. "It's distracting—even when I'm not traipsing through your thoughts. The fact I can constantly buzzes around in my brain." Why did this happen now?

Val gave a slow nod. "I agree. And we need to figure this out." He leaned forward again. "I say we either order something in or get takeout. Because it's gonna be a long night."

Jonni grabbed her jacket. "I need some air." The whole mindslip thing had her twitchy. "I'll get the food." She didn't wait for a response, heading out and dashing down the stairs.

She didn't think twice about what she ordered. Not until she headed out of the restaurant.

She had no doubt she had exactly what Val wanted.

I love how this story is coming together. Jonni and Val are a fun couple to write.


That's it for this week.



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