Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Man Up

Man, what a week. Sixty-one degrees one day and twenty-two the next. Ohio is crazypants sometimes. Yesterday, it snowed and, since it's the first significant accumulation we've had this winter, everyone forgot how to get around in the white stuff. It is rather nice it waited until the weekend. Monday's commute should go smoother. LOL

Had a light viewing week for television shows. Caught another episode of Underbelly: Razor. I thoroughly enjoy getting a feel for Australia in the twenties. It's a very different vibe from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries and I like that.

Also caught another episode of Babylon 5. I've also been tuning into Comet occasionally to catch up there also. Also got to finally catch The Flash's 100th episode. Gotta say, the messing with the timeline gives me a headache. I'm invested in the characters though so I'll keep watching.

Watched the second part of Blade's pilot episode. I liked this series when it aired but never got to watch it all the way through in order. I'm looking forward to having the chance now.

Started season fourteen of Midsomer Murders. The changing of the guard from Barnaby one to Barnaby two is fun to watch. I didn't get to see that episode in its original run.

I'm almost finished with season one of Pensacola Wings of Gold. In all honesty, I'm not sure I'll stick it out for the other two or three seasons. It sometimes irritates me when they scrap an entire cast and almost start over.

Caught another episode of Lexx. I really forgot how cornball some of the series ended up being. Still… it's a great nostalgia thing. Back when Syfy was SciFi and I watched the channel almost exclusively. I miss those days.

Tried to watch Gotham's fifth season premiere and my app decided to crap out. Not sure what the problem was so I'll try again later this week.

And that's it for television. Tonight's post is from Man Up, a novella that started with a writing community prompt of write a scene where a drunken game of one-upmanship goes all the way because neither character can admit being outdone and put a stop to it.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Hattie Hale and Nero Palmer, instructors at the Academy of Light, are supposed to set the example, but can't quite get past their competitive natures. A drunken game of one-ups-manship goes all the way to the sleeping chamber because neither will admit to being outdone.

And a preview snippet…

I can't believe I said he has an awesome brain. To his face.
Hattie blamed her loose tongue on the alcohol. The thing with Stiltskin… inhibitions often flew out the window. Her rivalry with Nero, if she had to be honest, fueled her creativity and charged her up in ways she didn't want to examine too closely. He featured as the counterpoint in almost all of her personal and professional idea sessions.
And, okay, if pressed… she'd admit he played a role in some of her fantasies. Probably more than a healthy amount allowed. But, seriously, she couldn't control the dreams in her head.
Nero quirked a brow. "Should I be scared?" He drained his glass again.
Hattie tilted her head to one side. "About what?" Did she miss something? A question or comment?
Nero poured again. "Whatever's going through your mind right now."
She laughed. Oh, man, if he only knew. And, hey… did he just pull ahead of her on shots? She couldn't have that. In fact… a brilliant thought presented itself.
She quickly downed her glassful. "It depends on how daring you want to be." If she could get him to go along with her plan, they'd discover once and for all who ruled the AoL.
Nero narrowed his eyes. "I'm definitely terrified then." He leaned back in his seat. "But go on then… spill it."
She gave him a wide grin. "You and I are going to have a contest, we'll both man up so to speak."
Nero pursed his lips for a long moment then nodded. "Okay. I'm in. But we're definitely having some ground rules."
Hattie raised her glass. "Here's to finding out who has the most talent."
Nero smirked. "May the best man win." He tapped her glass, tilted his head back, and drank the shot.
Oh, Nero… you have no idea what you're in for.

I love where this one is going. I'm at a place where I need to plot out the rest of the scenes and nail the climax, no pun intended.

That's it for this week.



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