Sunday, December 26, 2021

Sunday Snippet: Mind the Shadows (Warlock's Curse 2)

Happy Boxing Day. Hope everyone who celebrates had a great holiday and everyone who doesn't had a great week.

It's the last Sunday of 2021 and it's been a doozy of a year. Had a very busy week with my middle kid's health issues again, but we're finally closer to getting an actual answer for what's been going on with him. I'll be thankful if we get confirmation.

Slow week for television. I started with the opening arc of season twenty-two of Classic Who. Ended up being a decent four episodes. Six is growing on me.

Finished up Mysteries of Apollo and ended up enjoying this six episode look at the space program. Not sure what new series I'll start this week.

Caught two episodes of The Muppet Show. Melissa Manchester and Tony Randall were the guest stars. I didn't have a chance to watch the Muppet Christmas Carol but I might get it in this week.

Started Fosse Verdon and liked the first episode. This should be an interesting show to dive into. Looking forward to more.

Watched another episode of Peak Practice. Really not sure about the new guy. I can't quite decide if he's desperate, evil or both. So far, I don't like the guy at all.

Enjoyed another lesson of MasterClass with Bill Nye. He's a lot of fun and tackles the serious topic of climate change without making the concept too over the top.

I started season two of The Witcher and loved, loved, loved the first episode. Can't wait to get into more.

Last but not least, I watched two episodes of Classic Rugrats. Both were enjoyable and ones I remembered fondly of watching with my oldest.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Mind the Shadows, book two in the Warlock's Curse series.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Nadia Iris discovers the terrible truth about her lineage and confronts the man responsible. Her father's dark plan for the future isn't high on her list of things to get done … but reuniting with Falk Ridenour is. Too bad her dad has other ideas for Nadia.

And a preview snippet…

Falk Ridenour strolled up the lane leading to a large manor house. "Whew. Nice digs." He let out a low whistle.

A car churned up behind him then sped past, narrowly missing him, and screeched to a stop in the circular drive. Falk frowned. What a dick.

He walked a little faster, ready to give the driver hell for being reckless. When the man exited the car, Falk had a whole different reason for trashing him. What the flaming fuck is Sebastian North doing here?

Falk called out. "North! Were you trying to run me down?" Wouldn't surprise Falk in the slightest if the other man had attempted vehicular homicide.

North turned bleary eyes toward Falk. "What? Why would you—" He broke off when he got a look at Falk. "Aw, hell. Why are you here?" He still had the same petulant sneer to his voice.

Falk stopped by the gleaming sedan. "Better question is why are you? I know for a fact Nadia didn't invite you." Not on the same day she'd asked Falk to stop by.

Sebastian raked a hand through his hair. "Look, can we not do this right now?" His feet shuffled with an uncomfortable gait. "And before you ask, I haven't heard from Hagan, I haven't tried to contact her, and I'm not going to." He shoved his hands in his pockets.

Falk snorted. "Considering it's your fault she's gone, I'd suggest staying on that course." The irony of almost getting run down by his foster sister's ex hit hard.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Whatever, man. I do what I want and Hagan's not at the top of my list anymore."

Falk drew his arm back, ready to let his fist fly. A soft hand on his shoulder stopped the momentum. He turned to find Nadia looking amazing behind him.

Sweeping her up close, his anger drained. "It's good to see you." And feel her against him.

She tilted her head back. "I'm glad you came." Her gaze followed Sebastian's path to the front door where he met the man who could only be Nadia's father. "Do I want to know what that was all about?"

Falk grunted. "Yes, but not right now." He narrowed his eyes when Sebastian followed Boris into the house. "Do I want to know what that's all about?" Probably nothing good.

Nadia made a grimace. "Yes, but not right now." She took his hand and started leading him around the side of the house.

Falk sent one final look in the direction of the big house. "Am I gonna meet your old man?" Quite frankly, he didn't care one way or the other.

Nadia stopped in front of a small cottage. "I'm not going to inflict him on you. The man doesn't deserve to meet you." She twisted the knob on the door and pushed it open. "We have some catching up to do." Hauling him across the threshold, she wrapped her arms around him. "Unless you haven't missed me as much as I've missed you…"

Falk nudged the solid oak shut with his foot then braced his shoulders against the wood, dragging her up against him. "I've definitely missed you…" His mouth closed over hers and everything became right in his world.

Sebastian North and the reason for Hagan's disappearance evaporated from his mind.

I love this series. Currently, I have three books and a side novella set in this universe. Nadia and Falk have a lot to get through.


That's it for this week.



Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sunday Snippet: Mendacium

December is flying by. I had a busy week trying to get things organized and moved around from the new furniture saga and also dealing getting one kid off to Disney with her grandfather and trying to help another kid during a flare up of his ongoing medical issue. Also had a couple of work projects thrown in.

Slower than usual week for television. I started out by finishing up the final arc of Five on Classic Who. I'd forgotten how much of a snarky snipe Six started out as. Started the first episode of his full arc to end season twenty-one.

Caught another episode of Mysteries of Apollo. I might have inadvertently watched two episodes but I won't know for certain until this week.

Watched two episodes of The Muppet Show. Jean Pierre Rampal and Paul Simon were the guest stars.

Finished up the first season of Fantasy Island. Man, I have to give kudos. I really enjoyed this first season. I'm looking forward to the holiday special next week.

Caught another episode of Peak Practice. It was a tough one to watch and had a lot going on. Erica held her own but, man, what a wringer they put her through.

Enjoyed another MasterClass lesson with Bill Nye. This one focused on how science changes your perspective. Pretty interesting.

Totally flubbed thinking I'd be watching The Ready Room for season one of Star Trek: Discovery only to realize the behind the scenes show didn't start until season two. So … I watched the first episode of the second season. Man, I'm really loving this show. So great to have the introduction of Pike and get some insight on Spock. Really looking forward to this season.

Watched another episode of Chicago Med. Lots of stuff going on but a solid viewing experience. Feels like everyone is kind of heading for a breaking point, Robin and Sarah, especially. Nice to see April and Ethan going public.

Caught another episode of The Madame Blanc Mysteries. Whew. Plot is moving forward in a big way. I think I have two more episodes and I'm kind of wondering how the main arc is going to be resolved. I'm also hoping for another season of this show. It's a lot of fun.

Finished up the second part of Silent Witness. Harry went through a rough ride. I'm not completely certain the police detective wasn't playing both sides but I liked that.

That's pretty much it for this week's television update. I'll be starting season two of The Witcher this week, which means I'll be putting Glitch on hold until I wrap that up.

Tonight's post is from Mendacium, a novella that puts my characters on opposite sides and they have to find their way back to each other.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Kelby Svet and Reave Systevich work for Mendacium, a covert organization that monitors magical ability among the human population. When powers go out of control or get abused, Kelby and Reave deal with the fallout—until a betrayal puts them on different sides.

And a preview snippet…

Kelby woke to an incessant buzzing in her ear. "Dammit, Pope. Can I have one fucking night to myself?"

"It's after ten, Kelb. Get your ass up and meet me at the grotto. I've got a job for you."

She hated the nickname her handler used. Pope could be a huge dick. Did she even want to meet him?

Not really. And last night's conversation played over and over in her mind. Kel, let's wrap this case and cut out. Find somewhere quiet away from the politics and constant policing and enjoy life. Man, she didn't expect Reave's suggestion to take root and sprout winding tendrils in her brain.

But the idea had her thinking.

Rising slowly, she carefully slid out of bed and crept to the bathroom. Why did she need to be stealthy? The answer rubbed a raw spot in her heart.

"Because I have to meet Pope. I can't quit until I do."

Am I going to quit?

She honestly didn't know. But she needed time and space to clear her head and meeting with Pope would give her both. She could always come back to Reave after she'd weighed the options.

Grabbing her clothes, she dressed quickly then splashed cold water on her face. She popped the door open and paused on her way to the living room to watch Reave for a moment. He slept deeply, with one arm shoved under the pillow and the other lying on his stomach. Her heart skipped a beat. The man her want things she hadn't dared to think about and she had to resist the urge to crawl back in bed with him. Damn Pope and his stupid job.

Shaking her head, she entered the living room and found her boots. After slipping her feet inside, she stuck her head back into the bedroom for another quick glimpse of Reave before she crossed over and left the safe house.

Before she shimmered away, she sent a silent promise. "I'll be back, Reave. Count on it."

Famous last words … Kelby may or may not regret uttering them.


That's it for this week.



Sunday, December 12, 2021

Sunday Snippet: Melee

I'm so excited because for the first time in over twenty years—actually, maybe longer—I got some new furniture. It's kind of my holiday present from everyone in the family. A new small recliner and a new couch. I'll be adding a chaise at some point but haven't found one I like yet. The couch story is an entire saga and I didn't expect it until December 23, but it arrived Friday!

I also had a super-busy work schedule, which had me buried for most of the week. I'm definitely not complaining. I love to be busy.

Had a decent week of television but somewhat abbreviated. I started with the Madam Blanc Mysteries. I'm quite enjoying how the larger mystery arc is being woven into the weekly episodes.

I finished up the second part of Silent Witness and started a new episode. Gotta say I'm now into episodes I haven't seen yet. The first part left quite a cliffhanger. I'm a little freaked out.

I caught a full arc of Classic Who and, yes, the Master showed up. I started a new four-part arc and I think this is when we say goodbye to Five. I'll let you know next week.

Watched Mysteries of Apollo and this episode focused on NASA's first heroes, mainly the astronauts from Mercury and Gemini. Quite an interesting episode.

Enjoyed two episodes of The Muppet Show. Senor Wences and Bruce Schwartz and Debbie Harry were the guest stars. Both were fun episodes.

Caught another episode of Fantasy Island. I'm quite happy with this updated version. Looking forward to the holiday episode.

Watched an episode of Peak Practice. An interesting plot with this one. Kind of cool to get a little more backstory for Andrew.

Started a new MasterClass. The instructor is Bill Nye and I can't wait to dive into his classes.

Caught two episodes of Classic Rugrats. Season two is a lot of fun with some memorable stories.

Enjoyed a holiday episode of Chicago Med. Gotta say Dr. Charles is going through it right now. Actually, both of them are. A really great episode nonetheless.

Watched another Brokenwood Mysteries. As usual, this show makes me happy. I love the characters and their interactions. Kind of interesting to meet another one of Mike's exes.

That's pretty much it for this week. Tonight's post is from Melee, a novella that puts my characters in harm's way when they have issue with the same antagonist.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Josie Walls and Parson Parrington gain extraordinary skills when they're captured and experimented on in a remote laboratory in an icy tundra. Longing to be free, they put their newfound abilities to the test, escaping their prison and going on the run.

And a preview snippet…

Parson bit back a groan. It fucking figured. His stupid, double-crossing, absolute asshole of a former business partner.

His head jerked sideways. "Wait, you know Hollis?"

Josie flinched. "Ugh. Unfortunately. He's my ex."

Parson rolled his eyes. "I'd like to ask what the hell you saw in him, but I'm all too aware of the charming front her projects to get what he wants." Especially raven-haired beauties like Josie.

Her hands clenched at her sides. "Oh, yeah. It's all fun and games until the gloves come off." Disgust laced her tone.

No doubt she left out the part about when the fists started flying. Part of the reason Parson severed ties with Hollis had everything to do with the man's abuse of anyone or anything he grew tired of.

Parson lowered his voice. "We were business partners for five years before I finally figured out his midas touch wasn't worth the toll it took on my conscience." Or the potential legal problems if Mayweather decided to use Parson as a patsy. "He didn't appreciate losing the beard of civility when I walked away." And Parson paid a price for doing so—might possibly still be paying.

Josie tsked. "Let me guess … you had an accident that wasn't an accident, right? Nothing too serious but bad enough to act as a painful reminder." Her fingers uncurled and flexed.

Sick dread filled Parson. Hollis hurt her or someone close to her. Fucking asshole.

Parson grunted. "Something like that. But this … is a whole new level of what-the-fuck. Drugging, kidnapping, and keeping us prisoner? That's off the hook even for Hollis."

Josie angled her head toward him a little. "I only had fifteen months with the guy but I figure being here might be more par for the course than you want to believe."

Parson weighed her words. "Maybe. It's been three years since I've seen or heard from him, but I've heard rumors about some shady shit." Why didn't I pay attention?

Josie snorted. "Pretty sure the shady shit is the tip of the iceberg. I walked away six months ago because I overheard Hollis threaten to end a rival's entire family line. No idea how he planned to accomplish that feat or if he was even serious, but at that point, I didn't care." He voice went quiet. "I saw him clearly for the first time."

Parson understood completely. "Right. The blinders come off and the picture turns ugly. I get it." He wanted to ask what kind of retaliation she'd experienced but the door snicked open and two white-coated men entered the room.

Hollis Mayweather strolled in behind them.

He moved to stand between the two gurneys. "Good to see you getting to know each other. You'll have plenty more time to continue. But first, you're going to be the very first test dummies for a new compliance program I'm setting up." He rubbed his hands together and nodded to the other men.

Parson flinched when a needle pricked his bicep. The room went fuzzy and gray but he didn't black out. Instead, he remained aware and cognizant while the lab techs started an IV and pushed a cold liquid into the tubing. Josie received the same treatment.

Parson started getting heavy-eyed and his ears roared with white noise but he wouldn't forget the look of utter glee on Hollis's face before he exited the room.

I love having a Bond-like villain and Hollis fits that bill to perfection. I can't wait to see what Parson and Josie do to take Hollis down.


That's it for this week.



Sunday, December 5, 2021

Sunday Snippet: Maybe This Seems Familiar

Hello, December. I'm stuck between being excited for the holiday season and freaking out because I have a lot of things I'd like to get accomplished and not enough time to slide them all in. The story of my life.

Not a bad week of television but a little lighter than usual. I started out with Peak Practice and ended up getting two episodes watched. Both were pretty decent.

Finished up the MasterClass with Brandon McMillan. I had two lessons left and got some great information from both. Not sure what I'll start next but I'm excited.

Caught another episode of Glitch. Some interesting developments and good information. I like the pacing of this series and find I need to focus so I don't miss an important piece of the puzzle.

Enjoyed two more episodes of Classic Rugrats. I finished up season one and started season two. Looking forward to diving back in.

Watched two episodes of Chicago Med. Season three is beginning with a good run. I'm a little on the fence about Dr. Reese. I love her passion but I also get annoyed when she goes off the deep end about something.

Started season six of The Brokenwood Mysteries. Interesting to see another one of Mike's ex wives. I liked having Jared back. Also a good mystery to keep things fun.

Caught an episode of Silent Witness. I don't remember this one so I'm interested to see how the second half ends.

Finished the second part of Classic Who and said goodbye to Tegan. I think the Master is going to make another appearance soon, which I'm kind of meh about.

Enjoyed another episode of Mysteries of Apollo. This one focused on Apollo 8 and had some great information. I love watching old footage of the space program's beginning.

Watched two more episodes of The Muppet Show. James Coburn and Glenda Jackson were the guest stars. The pirate-themed episode ended up being a lot of fun.

Caught another episode of Fantasy Island. Really fun episode even if the theme ended up being a little dark.

Finally caught the finale of Star Trek: Discovery. Really great ending to the first season. I'm excited to start the breakdowns of The Ready Room then move on to season two.

That's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Maybe This Seems Familiar, a novella that puts the heroine on a path to redemption but not without a trial by fire.

Here's the mini-blurb:

A tragic death sends Inyx Pic, an Adept Major, into a brittle shell of self-doubt. When Philo Batson, her Adept Master, pushes Inyx to get back to teaching, her armor of disillusionment cracks and anger and grief come pouring out, leaving Philo to handle the fallout.

And a preview snippet…

After showering and dressing in light layers, Philo stopped at Fillomena's apartment on the lower floor of a grand old lady. The muted jewel tones of the slightly peeling paint clashed with the vibrant warm and sunny blooms overflowing from potted containers. Fillomena often chose discord over harmony in everything from décor to food and fashion.

Originally, he'd been drawn to her opposites attract way of living. But lately … he had to admit he'd been looking for the antithesis of Inyx. Fillomena definitely fit the role.

He knocked on the door and stepped back to wait on a response. When none came, he strolled around the house to check the backyard. Fillomena liked to putter around before she started her first class.

She glanced up when he rounded the corner of the house and gave him a long, level look. "I expected you last night." She went back to pruning a small bush. "You didn't show."

He came to a stop next to her. "I'm sorry. I got caught up." No need to get into why.

She stiffened. "With Inyx, no doubt." Snip, snip her shears went with more force than necessary.

Okay, the why wouldn't be denied.

He nodded. "She's having a hard time with Millie's death."

Fillomena's lips twisted in a cruel smile. "Maybe she should reevaluate her methods. I mean, letting her students get ahead of themselves and not properly schooling them is dangerous." Her fingers grasped another branch and snipped.

Philo didn't come to discuss Inyx's philosophy on teaching. "Look, that may well be true, but I'm here for a different reason."

Fillomena angled her head. "To end things, perhaps?" She rose and faced him.

Philo lifted his chin. "We're heading in different directions." He paused a moment. "I'm not sure we were ever really on the same path."

Fillomena waved her hand. "If not, it's only because you're stuck in the past and won't leave it behind." She shrugged. "It's your loss, Philo." She started pruning a new spot on the bush.

Philo wouldn't deny he'd never left his feelings for Inyx completely fade. But he had made an effort with Fillomena. They didn't fit together the way a couple should. At least not in his mind.

He frowned. "I'm sorry if I hurt you. It was never my intention."

She lifted a shoulder. "I'll survive. And I'm sure I'll find a better man than you … one who appreciates my skill and talent."

Ouch. But he deserved the rebuke. "I hope you do, Fillomena. Take care." He backed away, a little unsettled by the encounter.

He brushed the uneasiness aside and chalked it up to being tired from last night. He needed to stop by the academic hall and meet with the sage master then drop in on a couple of classes. Then he could make his way back to Inyx's and see how she fared with the class roster.

His lips curved. "Hopefully, she'll still be in a decent mood."

Breakup scenes aren't usually my forte, but I like how this one turned out. Philo's in for a bit of a surprise with regards to Fillomena and Inyx is going play a role in his discovery.


That's it for this week.

