Sunday, August 21, 2022

Sunday Snippet: Question Everything

It’s been a long and fun week. Left for vacation on Wednesday morning and we head home on Monday morning. I won’t have much in the way of viewing this week, so I’ll update next week with my regular schedule.

So far, I can honestly say the Grand Canyon is quite incredible. The scenery is absolutely gorgeous. It’s been great to see family and I’m kind of glad my husband and I both have family in the state of Arizona now. Gives a reason to return in the future.

I’ll be keeping the post brief and only note that I’ve started a new show and I’m excited to discuss next time. The life update is mainly I’m exhausted in the best way possible and I’m thrilled we got to have some time way. But I also can’t wait to get home and hug the dogs and kids.

Tonight’s post is from Question Everything, a novella that puts my characters in a place where they have to trust each other and it’s not something either does well.

Here’s the mini-blurb:

When Temple Sparrow discovers her family is part of an underground society of beings and creatures who secretly control the city, she eschews their traditions and finds her true vocation, seeking answers. Hunt Gambit doesn't trust anyone, least of all Temple, but playing by the rules isn't an option and he'll use her knowledge to get what he needs and teach her to question everything.

And a preview snippet…

Hunt Gambit tossed the stem he'd been chewing aside and followed the angry woman leaving the Sparrow mansion. "Heh, more like a mausoleum." He'd hate living in a huge, empty tomb like that.

Keeping the lady in his sight, he shuffled through possible names. Couldn't be the matriarch. She traveled with at least two beefy security types at all times. Hunt doubted it would any of the staff. He'd clocked the regular non-live-in help exiting about two hours ago. The Wingates hadn't descended on the estate yet.

Hunt snorted. "Won't take them long to appear. Not when there's blood in the water." The five siblings—okay, four, Marsh Wingate didn't mix with his brethren often—would want to make sure their precious livelihood remained intact.

That left the daughter. Temple Sparrow.

Her body language indicated conflict, which could help or hurt his chances of exposing the evil of the family and laying their secrets bare. He didn't have much intelligence on Temple—Tressa's doing, no doubt. Not from any kind of motherly caring. The woman defined cold and calculating. No, Tressa would've kept information about her daughter under a shield until Tressa found a use for her offspring. Like marrying her off to a worthy ally.

Hunt rolled his eyes. "Probably more like selling her to the highest bidder."

Temple ducked down a side road and entered the park. Hunt frowned. Why would she be headed this way? The park bordered the brewery district on one side, the marketplace on the other, and directly across from the second entrance sat a row of brownstones.

His curiosity piqued, he stuck to the shadows when she left through the gates and darted across the street. Walking to the townhouse on the corner, she bypassed the steps and dug around in front of the basement window. A glint of metal flashed under the streetlight and Temple dashed up the steps and let herself in to the home.

Hunt huffed out a surprised breath. "I'll be damned. The little bird flew the coop." And he had no idea what her flight meant.

Whatever her reason for abandoning the mansion, Hunt would stick close for a while. With her dad's death, she'd be one of the ones to take his place in the underworld dealings. And Hunt needed to make a move while turmoil still churned in the family ranks.

"Because I'm going to end their reign one way or another."

I’m excited for this story. It’s coming together and ideas are flowing in the right direction. Here’s hoping the sages keep up the good work.


That’s it for this week.



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