Sunday, May 15, 2022

Sunday Snippet: Oracle's Prayer

I'm still working on keeping all the plates spinning in the air. Finished up a few work projects and started more. I'm definitely not complaining even if I wouldn't mind things slowing down a wee bit.

Had a light week for television. I've pretty much decided that getting through one round of my rotation is doing well at the moment. I have some home projects that need attention and that cuts into screen time.

Caught another episode of Peak Practice and enjoyed it. I like how the trauma with Alice is still prevalent. And the surgeon guy is an interesting addition to the cast.

Watched another MasterClass lesson with Neil deGrasse Tyson. I've noticed he has a number of fairly short lessons and I'm not sure why they're not a little longer. They do have some great information.

Started The Babysitters Club and liked the first episode. I've heard rave reviews about this show and I'm looking forward to getting into the storyline.

Enjoyed another episode of the Ready Room for Star Trek: Discovery. I like the interviews but the format could use a little work. I'm keeping in mind that these were more than likely filmed during the Covid shutdown.

Watched an episode of Chicago Med. Ended up being pretty tense and gnarly for the entire ED. I'm a little bummed there wasn't an end scene with Ethan and April.

Caught another episode of The Snoopy Show. I love this for quick breaks when my eyes need something different to focus on instead of words on a page.

Finished up the first season of Cuffs. Have to admit the finale ended up being terrific. I wouldn't mind seeing more of this group of characters.

Watched an episode of Silent Witness and honestly, I have no clue what's going on. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I hope some pieces fall into place in the conclusion.

Started a new arc of Classic Who. So far, it's kind of lame but I think this one will get better as it goes along. Here's hoping.

Began a new-to-me series with Most Terrifying Places in America. The first episode featured a haunted prison in Ohio. I actually had a friend who went for one of the weekend excursions not long after it opened for tours. I can't remember if they enjoyed it or not.

Finished up the first season of Hawkeye by watching the deleted scenes and gag reel. I truly enjoyed this show. If they have a second season, I'm in.

Last but not least, I started another episode of Harrow and I'm liking how things are coming together for this season. Not sure how much I'll like the whole long, lost son angle, but I'm interested for now.

That's it for the life update. Tonight's post is from Oracle's Prayer, a novella that explores being undercover to catch a killer.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Nason Forn, the daughter of an oracle, goes undercover to trap a wicked mage preying on young apprentices and thinks she's found her man when she discovers Lane Garganess standing over the body of the latest victim. But Lane has a covert identity, too, which puts him in a bad spot and on the wrong end of Nason's wrath.

And a preview snippet…

Lane rapped twice on the study door then entered the room. "Dad. Thanks for seeing me."

Lawrence glanced over his shoulder. "Could've picked a less ungodly hour, but haven't heard from you in months. Thought I'd better see what this is all about." He went back to staring out the large pane of glass.

Lane gave his parent props. He only appeared slightly disheveled. His hair stuck up in several places, but he'd managed to get into a pair of silk pajamas and a robe that had the sheen of satin. Considering the two p.m. appointment time—early for his dad—Lane considered the attire as a peace offering. Usually, Lawrence lacked modesty on a normal day.

Strolling further into the wood-paneled space, Lane stopped by the ornate desk—strictly for show—and propped a hip on the surface. "You're not in trouble, if that has you worried." Unwilling to make small talk, he launched directly into his appeal. "I need your help with something." Stroking his dad's ego should help get cooperation.

Lawrence angled around. "You're kidding?" Genuine shock filled his voice.

Lane shook his head. "Nope. I need your general opinion on a group of people. An honest assessment, if you're willing."

Lawrence moved to the desk and pulled out the chair. "All right. But I expect to be compensated. After all, this is akin to consulting and I should receive a fee."

Lane almost rolled his eyes, but he'd anticipated his dad's response. "I had this amount in mind…" He reached into his coat pocket and withdrew a slip of paper.

Lawrence eyed the numbers and gave a nod. "This is fine. Who's on your list?"

Lane spent the next thirty minutes slyly pulling information from his dad. The nefarious contacts the man had boggled Lane's mind … even if he shouldn't be surprised.

Tucking his list back into a pocket, Lane stood up. "I appreciate the help. Funds will be transferred by the end of the day into your account." He started for the door to take his leave.

Lawrence stood up. "Should I know what this is about?"

Lane paused. "At this point, no. If that changes, I'll contact you right away."

His dad gave a grunt of dismissal and Lane made his exit.

On the way out of the house, he bumped into a woman coming up the walkway. He recognized her as one of the enforcers. Namon something. No … Nason Forn. But … she wore oracle robes.

Lane stopped her when she neared the main entryway. "I'm sorry, but the master of the house won't be needing your services today."

She arched a brow then quickly schooled her features. "I'm here at the appointed time." She showed him her schedule.

Lane frowned. His dad didn't usually put stock in the soothsayers of their clan. More likely, Ms. Forn created a very good cover story for visiting his father. Which wouldn't be a good thing at the moment.

Giving a nod, he grasped her elbow. "Sorry for the confusion. My dad's a little under the weather today. If you wouldn't mind giving him a call tomorrow, I'm sure he'll be happy to reschedule."

Her eyes widened slightly when he revealed his relationship to Lawrence, and she definitely didn't like to be sidetracked.

But she inclined her chin before lowering her head. "I'll do that. I hope he's feeling better soon." After a brief pause, she turned and headed back to her vehicle.

Lane studied her departure. She played the role of oracle well. But she carried herself with the confidence of an enforcer. He made a note to ask his geppa about her possible reason for showing up at his dad's house.

The last thing Lane needed would be interference before he got started on his investigation.

This one starts out with some cat and mouse maneuvers between the characters and I'm having a lot of fun writing their back and forth.


That's it for this week.



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